The Power of Taking Your Sweet, Sweet Time

This morning I woke up and I could tell it was going to be what I call a “God day” (God, Universe, Presence, All-That-Is…whatever you want to call ‘it’). I have these sometimes and they’re lovely. It means that my focus is very broad and that it feels much better and more in line to go with the flow throughout the day than to Try. To. Do. The things. On my list. I take a look at my list and choose the ones I absolutely positively must get done and throw everything else out the window.

A few weeks ago I was *very very VERY* busy and within all that busyness I lost myself. I was under a deadline and had put some extremely high expectations on myself. After the deadline had passed and the dust settled, I realized that I hadn’t been taking good care of myself. Even more importantly, I’d stopped having fun! I was exhausted and needed a rest.

I tend to like to do things intensively. I love the feeling of really digging into something and going at it for hours and hours. And days and days. But upon reflection of this last experience and others, I can see that after awhile I wasn’t fully present, which means it would have been best to stop for a bit and get back into myself.

When we’re involved in large projects or dealing with stressful situations, it often seems we don’t have the TIME to get back to ourselves. The thing is, we ALWAYS have the time to get back to ourselves. And ultimately, taking that time will save time. And be better for us physically, mentally and emotionally as well! Sure, it’s okay and even fun to burn the midnight oil at times, just always make sure you do have some down time. Take a nap. Take a walk in nature. Listen to some music with your eyes closed. Meditate. Lie in the sun and soak it up like a lizard. Do something to slowwww dowwwn for at least a few minutes when you find yourself in a revved up place.

My honey and I have both been b***s to the wall again and here’s what I’m finding is working like a charm. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Set your phone alarm to go off every two hours (I love the Chimes alarm sound on iPhone…it’s so sweet!). When that alarm goes off, stop whatever it is you’re doing (within reason, of course) and take TWO MINUTES to breathe, set an intention, and let go of everything. After that two minutes, get back to it! ;)

And listen to your Inner Guidance. If you wake up and it feels like a God day, allow yourself to have one. If you work or if you have appointments already booked, that’s okay! You can still have a God day. Allow yourself to be quiet and listen throughout your day. Allow yourself to hand it over. Allow yourself to let go of taking anything too seriously or trying to figure it out. Whenever you mind starts to kick into overdrive, kindly thank it and let it know that you’re choosing not to think too much today.

Allow yourself to see things and experience them from a very broad perspective, as if looking down from atop a high mountain. Reconnect with yourself/the Presence. Ultimately, you’ll be so glad you did. And so will everyone around you. Most of the time you’ll find that more gets accomplished than if you’d been running around doing everything on your list and stressing about it! Give it a shot and let me know how it goes.

Big love,
