Health Update from Lorrie Part 2

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Update of  the Parasite Cleanse

I want to provide you with an update because, in just the past week since I recorded the initial update, I have seen some truly remarkable results. In the upcoming section, I'll be sharing images of things that I've eliminated, which are quite astonishing.

You might be surprised because I certainly was when I first saw it. I understand that not everyone wants to see what's in my toilet. However, if you've been dealing with chronic symptoms and illnesses, I believe it's crucial to drive home the point about what might be inside your body.

To provide some context, I've been undergoing a parasite cleanse. I went through an eight-month period using a regimen I refer to as "stacked medications," primarily targeting tapeworms.

This might provide you with a clue about what's ahead. Initially, I thought I didn't have any tapeworms, but I continued to experience symptoms, as I mentioned in the previous update. Specifically, I'm focusing on addressing fibroids and perimenopausal symptoms.

I've been dealing with hormone imbalances, and to help me function better, I've started using bioidentical hormones as a kind of support. My symptoms didn't include hot flashes, but I did experience issues with:

  • Energy levels

  • Night sweats

  • Mood swings, and similar concerns for a while.

Anyhow, I opted for a rather advanced approach. I would advise this approach only to individuals who, like myself, have already undergone an eight-month treatment, which effectively addressed my lifelong fibromyalgia symptoms. However, when perimenopausal and fibroid symptoms began emerging, I realized that I still had parasites in my system that needed to be addressed.

Currently, I've exclusively adopted an approach centered around a supplement company called CellCore. I've been using these products with my students as well. If you're interested in using these products, feel free to contact me, and I can provide you with the patient code because they are highly effective. In addition to the eight-month treatment I previously mentioned, I've also been using CellCore products at elevated levels.

I've been using these products at levels far exceeding the recommended doses because I had already gone through extensive cleansing. Despite my efforts, I wasn't seeing the desired results. I even tried full moon cleanses and the most advanced, albeit less commonly promoted, intense cleanses. Although I experienced some mild discomfort, there were no significant changes.

The Para One Challenge

Then, a significant development occurred with something known as the Para One challenge. This particular CellCore product, Para One, is a unique herb that not only paralyzes parasites but also possesses a gel-like quality. It immobilizes the parasites and then adheres to them, facilitating their removal from the body.

I followed my intuition and decided it was time for a liver and gallbladder flush. I started on a modified version of the flush, which includes a day of fasting. The following morning, I still didn't feel like eating.

I wasn't feeling hungry, so I decided to continue fasting. I've done extended fasts before, and while they are beneficial, I realized that if I were going to do an extended fast, I should also incorporate the Para One challenge. It's important to note that after completing a liver and gallbladder flush, you should wait for a couple of days before starting any form of parasite cleanse.

It's important to allow your liver and gallbladder some rest before proceeding with a cleanse after the liver and gallbladder flush. So, on the third day of my complete water fast, I was only consuming water, electrolytes, and a type of tea known as Cystitis tea, which targets biofilm. On that third day, I initiated the Para One challenge, which entails taking two capsules of this specific Para One supplement.

For six to eight hours, I took these capsules every hour, starting in the afternoon. I began to experience irritability and cravings, which was unusual because I hadn't been hungry at all. Normally, during an extended fast, day two is the most challenging, when you tend to feel irritable and have food cravings.

On day two, I hadn't experienced any cravings. However, in the afternoon, because I had been taking those Para One capsules, I suddenly had strong cravings for cake, ice cream, and chocolate, even though I hadn't desired or consumed those treats for years. I began to wonder if these cravings were linked to the Para One challenge. The cravings intensified as time passed, but I resisted and didn't eat anything.

That night, I had a dream in which I indulged in cake, ice cream, chocolate, and various sweets like donuts. When I woke up the next morning, I felt miserable. It's important to note that alongside this experience, I was also implementing other measures to support the detoxification process.

When you experience parasite die-off or fasting, your body eliminates a significant amount of toxins. It's essential to ensure that you're actively supporting this detoxification process, which is precisely what I was doing in a rather thorough manner. I'll discuss these details in a future podcast or blog post.

Importance of detoxification during a cleanse.

The next morning, I woke up feeling unwell and took the steps I'm familiar with to support my body's detoxification process. What I began to eliminate from my body was unexpected and quite different from what I had anticipated. I'll now share some images to illustrate this, but if you think it might be unsettling for you, feel free to skip this part.

To deal with content that I prefer not to see, I typically use this approach, as I avoid watching scary material. Now, I'll describe what I was eliminating from my body. If you'd rather not read this part, you can skip ahead.

Results From the Parasite Cleanse. 

Regularly, roughly every two to three hours, I was excreting worms that measured 20 inches or more in length. I'm confident they were worms for two reasons. Firstly, I felt significantly better after passing them. Secondly, I subsequently undertook a milder version of the Para One challenge.

I haven't passed anything similar to those since the Para One challenge. It was the Para One treatment that led to the elimination of these 20 to 24-inch worms, with the longest being 24 inches. Alongside those, I expelled at least four of these 20-plus inch parasites. Besides these, there were numerous worms measuring 10 to 20 inches, as well as various other unusual and unfamiliar substances.

I continued to experience this for the next three days. It's important to note that I hadn't been consuming any food during this time, so I wasn't passing any food-related substances. This persisted from day three to day six, including the morning of the sixth day. I eventually broke my fast, either on the fifth or the sixth day—I can't recall exactly. To be honest, I'm still amazed by the whole experience.

Feel free to examine those images, and now I'll share what transpired. You can start listening again if you skip the image discussion.I recommend checking out my YouTube channel to view those pictures. After concluding the fast and the Para One challenge, I felt absolutely fine the following day.

Initially, I didn't notice any significant changes. It wasn't a dramatic transformation right away. However, on the day after, I suddenly realized I was strolling around the house and singing out loud. It struck me that ever since I had COVID, my voice had been severely affected.

Before, I used to work as a professional singer, but my voice had been so impaired that I couldn't sing anymore. Even my speaking voice had been severely affected, making it very challenging. I believe some of you may have encountered similar issues. However, after the Para One challenge, my experience was completely different.

I hadn't sung in many, many years, so it wasn't perfect, but actually, it was fantastic. What's more, I also remembered that the night before, I had spontaneously burst into song, and it felt different, better, and genuinely enjoyable.

That's a significant change for me, and I find it quite baffling because I don't have a precise understanding of the connection between these events. However, it's evident that the worms or parasites must have been producing something or interfering with nerves in some way, affecting my vocal cords and throat, which had been causing issues with my singing and speaking voice.

The transformation in my voice was remarkable. However, my fibroids have remained unchanged, and I don't anticipate them disappearing overnight. In my perspective, fibroids act as a form of protection for the body, safeguarding it from an underlying issue. To address this problem effectively, it's not only the issue itself that needs attention but also the scar tissue surrounding it.

It's essential to address both the core issue and the surrounding tissue. The process of addressing the surrounding tissue may take some additional time. As for my hormones, I'm uncertain of the impact because I'm currently using bioidentical hormones. However, we'll find out next month when I get my hormone levels checked, and I anticipate that there will be changes.

I'm quite certain it has changed. In terms of my energy levels, I do believe there has been an improvement. However, when it comes to tapeworms, which is what I suspect they were due to their length, their impact on your body is subtle and accumulates over time. Given their considerable length, it's plausible that they had resided inside my body for decades.

Considering the prolonged symptoms I've experienced, it makes perfect sense. So, that's the update for now. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I share my journey with you to emphasize that even after extensive parasite treatment if you continue to experience symptoms, there may be more to address.

This situation reaffirms my belief that persistent symptoms can be attributed to lingering parasites. It's a powerful reminder that there is hope. If your symptoms are connected to these issues, there are effective solutions. While it does require time and dedication, especially when guided by knowledgeable professionals like myself, it's a journey worth taking.

Having the right guidance can significantly ease this journey, making it more manageable. Remember, it's possible to reach your goals. Wishing you a fantastic day filled with love, and I'll catch you in the next episode.

I genuinely hope you found our discussion insightful and beneficial, as that's my ultimate aim. If you did, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review on your preferred podcast platform

Your support in leaving a review would be tremendously valuable, not only for our improvement but also for helping others discover the blog. If you know someone grappling with ME/CFS, long COVID, fibromyalgia, or any chronic illness, please consider sharing this blog with them. My mission is to reach as many people as possible, offering hope, assistance, and sharing effective strategies for their healing journey. Remember, you're not alone in this; we're all in it together, learning, growing, and healing. I look forward to our next encounter.

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.

Health Update From Lorrie Rivers Part 1

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Welcome back to the Holistic Healing with Lorrie Blog.Dedicated to assisting individuals dealing with long COVID, ME/CFS, and other chronic illnesses in their healing journey through holistic methods. In my emails, I often share insights into my personal life.

However, I've recently noticed that I haven't provided updates on my health. I believe it's essential to share this information as it can be beneficial for all of you. Additionally, it's enjoyable to go through these experiences together. So, let's begin with some lighthearted and interesting topics.

The Queer Eye Show & Sparkle

I have been obsessed lately with the TV show Queer Eye. It's so much fun to watch, it's so uplifting, and it's so sweet. I  highly recommend it, and I'm in love with it.

I'm also growing out my sparkle because I turn 50 in a year and a half, and so I want to be mostly Natural hair. That's exciting. It's a little bit weird, honestly. We have a strange relationship with aging in our society, right? I'm playing around with my natural hair and embracing the aging process. 

Health Update

Speaking of my health, as I said I am approaching my 50th birthday and have entered the perimenopausal phase. While some individuals experience perimenopause and menopause without significant issues, others may notice occasional symptoms or changes in their body's behavior.

What I realized was that the symptoms that I was having, because I went from, being fully recovered from lifelong fibromyalgia, long COVID, and MECFS.Having plenty of energy and all these things, to slowly noticing that my energy levels were way down. That it was hard for me to wake up in the mornings, which is very weird for me because I'm a morning person. I love mornings. I wake up at 3.30 am most mornings. That's my most active time of the day.

Having to pull myself out of bed, feeling like I had a hangover not knowing where this was coming from. Then I started having night sweats. Now, night sweats can be a product of parasite infections, which I knew, but along with some of the other things that I was experiencing, I went, oh yeah, probably perimenopause. Some of the other things that I was experiencing were that my PMS was getting a little worse and my stamina just wasn't there.

I decided, first of all, let me get some bioidentical hormone replacement therapy going. Let me start working with a doctor on that. The thing is that this can end up just being a band-aid, and the main thing that it let me know was that I still have some parasite infections to clean up.

Because if you are having:

  • Severe perimenopause symptoms

  • Severe menopause symptoms, 

  • Severe PMS,

  • Or irregular symptoms associated with being a woman.

Impacting you in a really big way, that's an indication that you have Parasite infestations.

Updating My Approach

So I went, all right this is going to be fun. Because I can jump in there with my students and start treating this again. What this is helping do is to further refine the treatment process, and I've been able to introduce more supportive supplements in there. What we're doing now, starting in this latest session of the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course that I teach is a modification of the way that I'm approaching it firsthand.

Numerous supplements support the body's drainage pathways. One of them is the Drainage Activator by CellCore,. If you've watched my "Where to Start" podcast episode or read my emails, you're probably familiar with this specific supplement.

About 90 percent of the time, one of my initial recommendations for students is to incorporate a specific approach, which we'll provide a link for below. This, along with certain medications, helps address the issue comprehensively. I realized I hadn't covered all bases for a specific reason.

Certainly, I wasn't dealing with the;

  • Excruciating fatigue

  • Pain

  • Brain fog

And other symptoms I used to suffer from due to lifelong fibromyalgia. However, new issues emerged. It's essential to understand that if you're experiencing symptoms, it suggests the presence of a problematic pathogen. I typically begin by addressing parasites, even if a person has previously received extensive treatment for them.

Secondly, I conducted a personal test by using a specific supplement known for its pathogen-killing properties. This supplement is covered in our Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course, although I don't discuss it extensively online due to the potential controversy associated with it. Nonetheless, it's a valuable topic within our course for its effectiveness.

As a supportive measure, I conducted the test. Even when I tried it in very small doses, I still had strong reactions to this particular supplement. This indicates that there are underlying issues persisting within my system. Testing your reactivity to substances like anti-parasitic or anti-fungal treatments is a reliable way to gauge the presence of pathogens. If such a substance triggers a noticeable negative response, exacerbating symptoms like fatigue or mood changes, it's a clear indicator of ongoing issues.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it's a strong indicator that you still have a significant pathogenic burden. These symptoms result from die-off reactions, which worsen these issues. What's intriguing is that this time, I can handle treatments at higher doses and progress more rapidly. However, when it comes to medications, I'm cautious about increasing the dosage to avoid potential harm to vital organs like the kidneys and liver.

I want to clarify that this is not medical advice; it's intended solely for informational and educational purposes. I'm sharing my personal experience. I've been using various supplements from CellCore, including their:

  • Parasite treatments

  • Binders

  • Support products. 

At the moment, I'm taking significantly higher doses, perhaps even eight times the recommended dosage for some of these supplements.

Currently, that's my approach. I want to emphasize that I would never advise you to start with such high doses right away. If you've been dealing with these health issues for some time, you likely already know the importance of taking it slow and starting with lower doses. This is particularly crucial when dealing with conditions like long COVID and ME/CFS, as they often involve a significant parasite burden.

Dealing with a substantial load of:

Requires a cautious approach. Rushing through treatments can overload your body with toxins, causing setbacks instead of progress. The positive aspect this time is that I've successfully reduced my pathogenic load to a level where I can manage it effectively. 

I've been quite aggressive in my approach. Currently, I'm in the midst of a full moon cleanse. I had already built up my intake of binders significantly. In addition to that, I'll be experimenting with CellCore products, as well as certain medications that I've identified as essential for my treatment. This combination, along with the earlier indicator of an existing pathogenic load, seems to be progressing positively thus far

Tomorrow is the full moon, a period when parasites are most active, given their lunar-related behavior. I'll explain the reasons behind this in a future episode. What's interesting is that we can adjust our treatments to align with this lunar cycle, focusing on the three to seven days surrounding the full moon when parasites tend to be more active.

Treating parasites during this specific timeframe is more likely to yield better results. I've observed that while undergoing treatment, I'm experiencing increased brain fog and fatigue compared to my usual state. I used to engage in high-intensity workouts five days a week, along with yoga during the same period.

This week, I've had to forgo my regular workouts, opting for more rest and sleep. It's all right, though, as I understand that my body is focusing on essential healing processes. I've also noticed some unusual changes in my bowel movements, different from my earlier treatment phase.

Seeing different kinds of things. Likely due to my altered treatment approach and the fact that it's addressing more profound levels of the issue. Initially, the treatment focused on eliminating the larger organisms, but now it seems to be reaching deeper layers, which I find promising.

I'm dorky in that I love this process but I genuinely enjoy the journey of achieving exceptional health. It's remarkable for me, nearing my 50th birthday, to engage in;

  • High-intensity interval training almost daily

  • Practicing yoga

  • Managing my business and

  • Working with my fantastic students whom I deeply care about. 

These aspects of my life are truly extraordinary.

I believe that there's always room for improvement, and that's what keeps me motivated. Even as I navigate through perimenopause, I'm eager to address any challenges it brings. It's essential to understand that achieving optimal health is an ongoing journey. It's not a destination where you can say, "I'm done, I'm completely healthy at 100 percent," and that's the end of it.

It's important to understand that reaching a point where you don't have to make any more efforts isn't realistic. Health involves various considerations, and we're constantly evolving and growing. My wish for you is to experience this continuous expansion too. If you have any questions about what I discussed in this blog, please feel free to ask in the comments or reach out via email. I hope you found this episode enjoyable.

I make an effort to respond to your emails, although it may take a week or two sometimes. I want to emphasize my main message: it's entirely possible to heal from chronic illnesses, even if you've been dealing with them for decades. You can achieve healing.

Okay, I'll catch you in the next blog. Don't forget to subscribe and share with your friends. Sending lots of love your way.

I genuinely hope you found our discussion insightful and beneficial, as that's my ultimate aim. If you did, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review on your preferred podcast platform

Your support in leaving a review would be tremendously valuable, not only for our improvement but also for helping others discover the blog. If you know someone grappling with ME/CFS, long COVID, fibromyalgia, or any chronic illness, please consider sharing this blog with them. My mission is to reach as many people as possible, offering hope, assistance, and sharing effective strategies for their healing journey. Remember, you're not alone in this; we're all in it together, learning, growing, and healing. I look forward to our next encounter.

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs

Parasites: The Ignored Epidemic Part 2

This is a continuation of the  Parasites: The Ignored Epidemic series, if you haven’t checked out the previous episode or blog entry, please hop over there and give that a listen or add it to your queue:

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Make sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest discoveries and approaches for Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.

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Pinworms Parasites

Pinworms are a prevalent parasite among the various multicellular pathogens we're discussing. Pinworms are quite common in the United States, especially among children, although their prevalence in other countries is something I'm uncertain about. We often associate pinworms with children, but I have my doubts about them being exclusive to children.

Modes of Transmission

Pinworms can be contracted through contaminated food, water, or even from an infected person. That's right – it can spread from one person to another. Here's something fascinating: the adult female pinworm actually leaves the anus to lay eggs. This means that children, unknowingly infected, can spread these worms to their entire family through everyday items like;

  • Bathtubs 

  • Toilet seats and

  • Bedclothes

I am certain it's not just a concern for children; some of my students have faced pinworm infections.

Symptoms and Appearance

One of the most classic symptoms of a pinworm infection is perianal itching. The name "pinworms" or "threadworms" comes from their thread-like appearance. What's alarming is that these seemingly harmless worms have been associated with a myriad of neurological and behavioral symptoms. In a ten-year study of over 2000 cases involving children with pinworms, researchers documented a surprising connection between the infection and various symptoms that weren't previously linked to it.

In that decade-long study, the researchers discovered a startling link between pinworm infections and a wide array of neurological and behavioral symptoms. These symptoms were previously not associated with pinworm infections, making it an intriguing area of study.

Roundworms Parasites 

The subject of roundworms is one close to my heart because I've seen a lot of these critters come out, and many others have witnessed the same. Ascaris lumbricoides is the technical name for these parasites. Believe it or not, it's estimated that approximately 1 billion people are infected with Ascaris, although in my opinion, it's likely much, much more than that.

Transmission and Travel in the Body

Ascaris looks like a typical earthworm and is spread directly to humans from soil or contaminated food. Once these worms find a home in the human body, they can pass through the liver and lungs. This journey often triggers severe tissue irritation and allergic reactions. The adult worms, fascinatingly, can travel throughout the body and end up almost anywhere, from the liver and heart to the lungs, and yes, even the brain. Some studies have even found them useful in treating MS patients.

Concerns and Symptoms

These roundworms can cause intestinal obstruction when present in significant numbers. If you're struggling with constipation or diarrhea, parasites could very well be the culprits. Specific symptoms of a roundworm infection include:

  • Nervousness

  • Colic

  • Poor appetite

  • Fatigue

  • Allergic reactions

  • Coughing

  • Wheezing and a plethora of other signs

Interestingly, food cravings and malnutrition are common as the worms compete with the host for food and hinder the absorption of essential nutrients.

Hookworm Parasites: The Bloodsucking Invaders

Moving on to hookworm parasites, these creatures are found in warm, moist soil and have a unique way of entering the human body - by directly penetrating the skin. As much as I enjoy walking barefoot on the beach or outside for grounding, it's essential to be cautious in areas where hookworms might lurk.

Travel Route and Impact

Hookworms travel through the bloodstream to the lungs, specifically targeting the alveoli, the tiny parts of the lungs responsible for absorbing oxygen. They can also make their way up the trachea to the throat, ultimately being swallowed and ending up in the small intestines, where they thrive. When the larvae pass through the lungs, it can lead to bronchitis.

Feeding and Global Prevalence

What's particularly disturbing about these hookworms is their feeding mechanism - the larvae attach to the intestinal mucosa with teeth-like hooks and literally feed on the host's blood, acting like tiny vampires. These parasites are not localized; they're found all over the world and prevalent in various geographical locations.

Symptoms and Longevity

Symptoms of hookworm infestations include:

  • Itchiness

  • Nausea

  • Dizziness

  • Lung problems

  • Anorexia

  • Weight loss or gain (which can be confusing) and 

  • Anemia

Shockingly, a single worm can live up to 15 years within the human body, emphasizing the importance of addressing these parasites promptly. We must take care of this issue for our well-being.

Trichinella Parasites: Masters of Disguise

Moving on to another concerning type of parasite - the trichinella parasites. What makes them particularly tricky is that almost any symptom we experience can be attributed to various stages of trichinosis. These parasites are excellent masqueraders, imitating up to 50 different diseases, ranging from flu-like symptoms to specific aches and pains.

The Transmission and Hiding Spots

While we were discussing roundworms, typically transmitted through contaminated soils, trichinella, which have a small spiral shape, have a different way of entering our bodies. Not only can they be found in contaminated soils, but they can also reside in undercooked pork. These parasites can encapsulate themselves in cysts, especially within undercooked pork, and if not cooked thoroughly, these cysts can make it through to our bodies unharmed.

It's crucial to note that trichinella parasites can enter our bodies through various routes, not limited to pork consumption. Once inside, they can burrow throughout the entire body, causing a range of health issues. It's important to reiterate that we're discussing only a fraction of the many parasites out there. The purpose here is not to alarm you but to shed light on the problem at hand.

Understanding the magnitude of the issue is the first step toward finding solutions. In the upcoming episodes, we will delve into strategies to tackle these parasite problems. There are ways to protect ourselves and improve our well-being, and that's precisely what we'll explore in the subsequent discussions. 

Understanding Tapeworm Infections: A Slow-Burn Threat

Now, let's talk about tapeworms - a topic that's both intriguing and unsettling. Tapeworms, often transmitted through beef, pork, and various meats, can also find their way into your system through fish consumption.

It's fascinating to note that tapeworms can grow remarkably long, sometimes reaching lengths of up to 20 feet or more. However, what sets them apart is their slow-burn effect. They don't cause severe symptoms immediately; instead, the issues accumulate over time. Moreover, it's uncommon to have only one type of parasite in your system. Usually, it's a combination of several parasites that can wreak havoc.

The Anatomy of Tapeworms

Tapeworms are composed of strands with thousands of segments, known as proglottids, each containing both male and female reproductive organs. Not only do these tapeworms themselves cause problems, but they also reproduce, creating more tapeworms within our bodies. They utilize what we eat and our body's tissues for their proteins, gradually causing significant damage as their numbers increase.

Long Lifespans and Symptoms

Some tapeworms can live up to 20 to 25 years, and their symptoms can range from:

  • Diarrhea 

  • Abdominal cramping

  • Nervousness

  • Nausea

  • Loss of appetite, to food cravings. 

In severe cases, certain types of tapeworms can even lead to seizures and brain deterioration.

Types of Tapeworms: Pork and Fish Tapeworms

The pork tapeworm, in its larval stage, invades:

  • Muscle

  • Heart

  • Brain tissues

Potentially causing brain-related symptoms like brain fog, Alzheimer's, and more. On the other hand, fish tapeworms are among the largest parasites found in humans and are contracted by consuming raw or lightly cooked freshwater fish or other migratory fish species. These parasites can consume a significant portion of the host's vitamin B in the intestines, potentially leading to vitamin B deficiency.

If you're experiencing;

  • Digestive disturbances

  • Pain

  • Upper abdominal fullness

  • Nausea

You might be dealing with a fish tapeworm infection. It's essential to be vigilant about the symptoms and consider medical attention if you suspect a parasite infestation. Addressing these issues promptly can make a significant difference in your health and well-being.

Liver Fluke Parasites

Let's switch gears to the liver fluke parasites - fascinating yet problematic creatures that take residence in our liver's bile ducts, causing a host of issues for the liver and gallbladder.

When liver flukes inhabit the bile ducts, it disrupts digestion because the gallbladder struggles to release bile effectively. The liver, a crucial organ for body detoxification and cleansing, also faces challenges in its functioning. A compromised liver spells trouble for your overall well-being.


Liver flukes make their way into our systems through the consumption of;

  • Raw fish 

  • Dried fish

  • Salted fish

  • Pickled fish

  • Undercooked fish.

Regrettably, fish lovers like myself are at risk. Various species of fish, including snails, carp, and over 40 others, can act as intermediate hosts for these parasites. Once in your system, they can cause;

  • Inflammation

  • Chills

  • Fever

  • Jaundice

  • Even specific types of hepatitis. 

Surprisingly, more people might have these parasites than reported.

Blood Fluke Parasites: Freshwater Invaders

Now, let's shift our attention to blood fluke parasites, often sourced from freshwater snails. We commonly encounter freshwater snails when we engage in outdoor activities near rivers, lakes, or oceans.


Freshwater snails release larvae into the water, contaminating both humans and fish when the larvae penetrate the skin. These larvae travel through the bloodstream, infiltrating veins in the liver, intestines, and bladder.

Connection to Bladder and Urinary Tract Issues

We haven't discussed much about the bladder, but if you're experiencing bladder or urinary tract issues, parasites might be the underlying cause. Worms lodged in the lining of the intestines, liver, or other organs can trigger inflammation, leading to a range of health problems.

Understanding the Inflammatory Link and Parasites

Parasites cause inflammation, a common thread in many chronic conditions. For instance, worms residing in your body can contribute to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), intensifying chronic symptoms. Moreover, these parasites can also infect the bladder and urinary tract.

Addressing Parasites in a Holistic Way

We've covered a lot here, and there's so much more to explore, including fungi, viruses, and other parasites like Bartonella, Borrelia, and Babesia. However, the fundamental takeaway is that you don't need to be an expert on each type. Recognizing the potential presence of parasites and understanding their general impact on the body is a crucial step in your journey to better health. 

Understanding the problem is key to finding the right solutions. Parasitic infections can manifest in numerous ways, often causing a plethora of chronic symptoms. However, we have the power to tackle them and work towards recovery. 

In our Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course, we often start by using herbs and supplements. These natural remedies can pave the way toward relief for many individuals. Sometimes, this approach alone can provide significant improvements.

Medication Stacking and Tailoring Solutions for Individual Cases

However, some cases may necessitate what's known as "medication stacking." In certain situations, using medications alongside natural remedies becomes essential. It's about finding the right balance and tailored approach to address the unique circumstances of each individual.

Testing, although important, often falls short of accurately pinpointing the exact parasite causing the issue. Hence, a broad approach that encompasses various treatments might be necessary. Combining different methods helps cover a wide spectrum of potential parasites and their effects.

Empowering individuals with knowledge about what's happening in their bodies can be transformative. Understanding the connection between symptoms and parasitic infections can alleviate fear and uncertainty.

It's essential to create a support network where experiences and knowledge are shared. By doing so, we collectively become stronger in our fight against parasitic infections. This journey is challenging, but together, we can navigate it and find the relief and recovery we all seek.

In the upcoming episodes, we'll continue this exploration into parasites and what can be done to address them effectively. 

In my Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course, we create a personalized treatment plan together for you to address these underlying infections so that your body can recover. And if you're struggling with fatigue, Long Covid, ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, etc and want to get some clarity as to why you have fatigue and if you’re a good fit for my program, you can ​apply for a free Coaching Call with me​.

Keep an eye out for upcoming blogs where we'll look a bit deeper, exploring each of these types in more detail and offering insights into effective strategies to combat and prevent infestations. Stay tuned for more enlightening information on this crucial health topic.

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.

Where to start on your Long Covid/ME/CFS and fatigue recovery journey

Today's topic is especially close to my heart as I know firsthand the struggle of starting a healing journey amidst the flood of available information and the numerous aspects that need to be addressed for a complete recovery.

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Make sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest discoveries and approaches for Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.

Full recovery is possible! Get on the waiting list for the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation.

Things to Consider as You Heal.

Beginning your healing journey when you have a chronic illness like Long Covid, ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), Fibromyalgia, and other chronic fatigue illnesses can be overwhelming, but it's totally doable. I'm here to simplify it for you, step by step. Let's start with something incredibly simple, something you can begin today. It's a game-changer, and in my experience, one of the most impactful steps in the shortest time. It's the first thing I suggest to all my clients and students.

Are you ready for it? It's what one of my students coined as "Beditations" and the name perfectly encapsulates the practice. Beditations involve dedicating at least 30 minutes twice a day each day to give yourself some radical rest. Picture yourself in a dim/dark room, lying down on your bed, and simply allowing yourself to rest. You can drift off to sleep, follow a guided meditation, listen to calming music, or practice yoga nidra.

The Power of Beditations

Rest, in the context of Beditations, isn't just lying down; it's a carefully orchestrated environment of tranquility. Ensure a peaceful atmosphere—

  • Dim lights, 

  • Quiet

Beditations are NOT

  • scrolling through social

  • playing a game on your phone

  • doing a cross word

  • listening to a podcast

All of these are fine to do, of course, but they're not Radical Rest because they are still engaging your brain more than we want.

Beditations ARE

  • Dark room

  • Lying down - if that's not comfortable to you find a comfy sitting position

  • Quiet - use noise cancelling head set if needed

  • Radical Rest

What you can do during your Beditations

  • guided meditation recording on your phone (Insight Timer is a great option)

  • listen to a yoga nidra (a type of guided meditation)

  • meditate on your own

  • do a breathing practice

  • sleep (if that works for you...if it makes you feel bad when you wake up after taking a nap, limit the nap to 10 minutes or less)

This is crucial to signal your nervous system that it's time to enter a state of rest and recovery. It may take a few attempts, especially if you have a racy mind, but with practice, your body will learn to let go.

Beditations not only regulate your nervous system but also replenish your energy, expanding your daily energy reserves. I can't tell you how many students I've had who have told me they thought they were resting but after doing Beditations, they now get it that they weren't really resting before. And then too, how many have reached out impressed by how this simple practice has increased their energy level in just a few days.

The Drainage Activator

Let's talk about a supplement that is proving to be a game-changer already for many students for their healing —the Drainage Activator by Cellcore. I rarely recommend one particular supplement to all of my students and clients because everyone is so individual, but the Drainage Activator is proving to be the exception because of its remarkable results. Many have reported a positive shift in their symptoms within the first week or two of use.

The Drainage Activator, a supplement I'm genuinely excited about, has become the starting point for about 90% of my students and clients. The reason is clear—the incredible results people are experiencing. It's relatively well-tolerated, even by those with heightened sensitivities (though you still want to go LOW and SLOW!!). Although individual experiences may vary, this supplement has shown so much promise in supporting the body's natural detoxification processes in areas of the body that we've not been able to get to before, namely, the extracellular matrix.

In order to purchase Cellcore products, you need to have a Patient Code because they prefer for people to be working with a qualified practitioner, so to access the Drainage Activator, you can CLICK HERE to register to get your Patient Code from me (Lorrie).

What's the Extracellular Matrix?

Let's start with the extracellular matrix. Picture it as the space between the cells in your body, encompassing vital elements like fascia. Now, we often focus on detoxing specific organs like the liver or the kidneys, but what about this critical space? It's like the backstage of our body where toxins and unwanted substances accumulate without a cleanup crew. That's where the Drainage Activator steps in.

Carbon Technology for Supplement Delivery

What's remarkable about CellCore products, including the Drainage Activator, is their utilization of carbon technology. Considering our bodies are primarily carbon-based, this approach is genius. These supplements aren't confined to the gastrointestinal tract. Instead, they utilize carbon technology to disperse throughout the body, reaching areas that need support. Unlike some other supplements that get neutralized by stomach acids or remain isolated in the intestines, CellCore products truly permeate the entire body.

Tackling Leaky Blood Vessel Syndrome

We are learning that Leaky blood vessel syndrome is a significant concern if you have chronic symptoms. It's not as rare as once believed; in fact, it's quite common among individuals struggling with prolonged health challenges. Similar to leaky gut syndrome, this entails compromised cell walls in your blood vessels, allowing unwanted substances to leak into the extracellular matrix, which also ends up over -axing the lymphatic system.

Which, as you now know, the Drainage Activator helps to clear out! Not only that, but Drainage Activator helps the body repair the cell walls of your blood vessels, so helps your body to heal leaky blood vessel syndrome.

Creating a Comprehensive Healing Program

For complete recovery, my third recommendation is to explore comprehensive healing programs. These programs should encompass a nervous system reset, holistic healing strategies, and a focus on root causes, including addressing pathogens like parasites, fungus, mold, etc., and ensuring effective drainage pathways. A well-rounded program will guide you through a tailored eating plan and provide the emotional support crucial for a successful recovery.

Taking Practical Steps Towards Recovery(Simplifying the Healing Journey)

Now let’s recap the crucial steps needed to kickstart your healing journey, especially if you're dealing with chronic illnesses like long COVID and ME/CFS or any other chronic illness, especially one with post-exertional malaise. It is important to:

  • Step 1: Set aside moments of radical rest. This means what we call Beditations with my students, where you can choose to meditate, listen to soothing music, sleep, or practice yoga nidra. The key is to immerse yourself in relaxation and gently guide your nervous system into a state of calm and healing. To engage your parasympathetic state, it's important to not stimulate your brain with screens or podcasts.

  • Step 2: The CellCore Drainage Activator. This is where I start most of my clients and students. The Drainage Activator supplement targets the extracellular matrix, assisting in draining toxins, parasites, and unwanted substances from between your cells and fascia. What's exceptional about CellCore products is their ingenious use of carbon technology, ensuring the supplements disperse throughout your body instead of being confined to the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Step 3: Choose the Right Program for You. Depending on where you are in your healing journey, selecting the appropriate program is crucial. If you're looking for comprehensive guidance, including a personalized treatment plan that we create together, hand holding, and a supportive community, my Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course is the perfect fit. However, if you're not yet ready for a comprehensive course, exploring the Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program is an excellent step forward as well. Both are designed with limited energy and brain power in mind. The key is finding a program that aligns with your pace, energy levels, and specific needs.

Commit and Stay the Course

Remember, whatever path you choose, commitment is key. Shifting from one program to another too quickly can hinder your progress ("shiny object syndrome" anyone?. Dedicate yourself to one approach, giving it ample time to show its effectiveness. Only consider a change if you've given it a fair chance and it's not aligning with your recovery goals.

Also, keep in mind that a full recovery takes TIME and perseverance.

I hope these steps provide you with a tangible starting point on your healing journey. Share these insights with anyone you believe could benefit from them. Remember, recovery is possible when we take consistent, informed steps toward healing. Stay committed, stay hopeful, and keep moving forward on your path to wellness. You've got this!

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.

Nina's Remarkable Healing Journey: From Despair to Hope

  • Introduction to Nina and Her Health Journey [00:00:00] 

  • The Impact of Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course.[00:02:00] 

  • Nina’s Physical Changes and Improvements [00:07:00]

  • Understanding Personal Pacing [00:12:00] 

  • Nina’s Physical Progress and Achievements [00:13:00

  • Foundation of Gut Health and Immune System[00:16:00]

  • Closing [00:23:00] 

Make sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest discoveries and approaches for Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.

Full recovery is possible! Get on the waiting list for the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation.

Lorrie Rivers

Hello, beautiful souls. Welcome back to another episode of holistic healing with Lorrie. I'm your host, Lorrie. Today, we have an inspiring story to share—a Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. student, Nina. She's been on a journey with Lyme disease, a concussion, and a severe reaction to a vaccine. It was like walking through a storm for her. Her life took a turn when she joined the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course., and she's seen wonderful progress. I'm excited for her to share her experiences, challenges, and breakthroughs.

Even since this interview, she has made more breakthroughs. If you're ready to start your own healing journey, join us for the upcoming Long Covid and ME/CFS Masterclass Series starting on October 5th, 2023. You can learn more about this series in the description below. Now, let's welcome Nina.

Lorrie Rivers

Nina, welcome. 


Hi, Lorrie. 

Lorrie Rivers

Hi. I have to tell y'all, Nina is an incredible artist. I went kayaking today, and she actually designed the inflatable kayak I used. People always ask me where I got it from because it's so cool. She's had some wonderful strides in the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course.. I wanted to chat with her about that. Nina, before we talk about the strides and changes you've been seeing, could you tell us how long you've been sick? 


AN artist painting

I healed from Lyme about five years ago, then dealt with a concussion and some other health challenges. Then, I had a severe reaction to the COVID vaccine in April 2021. It's been the most challenging health issue for me. It's been two years of facing these health challenges with minimal support from doctors who don't know what to do.

Lorrie Rivers

Thank you for sharing that background. It's certainly been a difficult journey. How long have you been in the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course? 


 I joined in January of this year, so about six months ago. 

Lorrie Rivers

What made you decide to join, considering it's a big commitment and you've tried many other things? 


I had tried numerous treatments and approaches but was still seeking answers. I learned about your summit (the Long Covid and ME/CFS Holistic Healing Summit) from my yoga teacher last year and was drawn to the knowledge and support you offered. The way you presented the information and interacted with others during the summit felt right for me. I participated in some of your workshops and realized the depth of the information and the kind of support you provide. 

I'm resourceful and love researching, but your program offered a level of support and access to outstanding specialists that I hadn't found elsewhere and made me feel comfortable about the type of program you're offering. Because honestly, it's pretty scary if you're out there and nobody else has the answers. So a little bit of support isn't going to hurt and it's only going to help.

Lorrie Rivers

I'm so glad that resonated with you. Now you have, you know, it's cool to be able to have this wonderful blessing of having a bird's eye view of watching your journey. It's been amazing to remember interacting with you at the beginning of the course and interacting with you now. I'm not the only one who sees it. Other people who have been in the course since January, they see that change in you as well. So what are some of the things, let's start off by giving us a physical example of something that has shifted for you since then. 


One of the major problems from the vaccine was I ended up getting MCAS or symptoms resembling that, and symptoms resembling POTS, and symptoms resembling all kinds. 

an illustration of the gut

Really poor gut health, so for me, it was important, and this is what your program offered. Just tackling that, and I had tried so many different things that were supposed to work and it didn't hurt. It only added on top of that. So now. When I started your course, for example, there were only 6 things that I could eat. For the first time in my life, I was left with only eating about 6 things without upsetting my system, that was amazing. It wasn't until the last couple of weeks that I noticed a huge shift. It's just by sticking to the low carb high protein eating plan that you offer. Because it's not a diet, I can eat as much as I like, as long as it's within that kind of triangle of food, like proteins, and vegetables. So that was really good and I'm in control of what I eat. So I never felt like I needed to starve. 

Lorrie Rivers

You are able to eat more than six foods now, is that what you're saying? 


Yes. Because of that, there are a few things I still can't tolerate. Certain types of tomatoes, but if I use, let's say low-histamine tomatoes, I can add a few of those. So now it's rare that I find something I cannot eat out of, that I have to prepare myself.

Lorrie Rivers

These are whole foods that are in the eating plan. Yeah. That's beautiful. I know also because you've mentioned you've been able to even just walk more, right? You take your walk. 

whole foods


Exactly. Thanks for reminding me about that. So when I came to the program, my energy was so very low and my immune system was very low. I had a hard time walking up the stairs without really wondering what was going to happen. I ended up getting a walk, for example, just to give you an idea, I was afraid because I live by myself, so I ended up getting an Apple watch or something. This is not an Apple thing, but just because it has that fall detector type thing. 

exhaustion while moving

My mobility was so limited, incredibly limited. I was used to walking six kilometers a day with my dog, no problem. To be able to have that, at this point, when in January, I had a hard time walking around the block. So what was nice is it felt like, you gave me a hand up in a way because you gave me basically a blueprint of how to move forward and also how to pace myself. The pacing was so crucial to me being able to find my way back to health. I still have a long way to go, but for example now, on a good day, if I pace myself, I can go for a 15-minute slow walk. I consult my watch, I watch the heart rate, but everything is very low, never races, sort of seventy, seventy beats per minute. Before that, I would just go stand outside and maybe brush the snow off my car, and it would raise up to 140 beats per minute.

an illustration for biking love

So this is huge. I feel healthier. I feel safe when I'm moving around. Also, I know what to do now and what works. If I overstep because, of course, it's summer now. But now I know what to do to get back on track. I pulled my bike out of the shed yesterday. I was bored and trying to find something I could do. I was so happy because I actually regained my balance from the movement. I got on the bike and I was able to at least bike for five minutes. 

For me, that was, it sounds like nothing to people who bike for hours, but it's a big deal. 

Lorrie Rivers

Everybody here knows how big a deal that is. The fact that you aren't... 


Crashed today. No, it was fabulous. I had earlier that day I had a rowing machine. I was on the rowing machine for seven minutes. My heart rate was within the window. It's really easy to monitor. That's fabulous because honestly, I had lost so much muscle in my legs. In January, February, and March, I was looking at my legs thinking, where's the muscle? That was so frightening. But now I actually feel so much stronger. I'm moving in the right direction. That's fabulous. 

Oh, I can kayak out on the lake, but I have to plan for it. And I'll get somebody to help me inflate it. Once I'm on the water, I can do that as well. That's opened the door back to regaining my life again, part of my life. 

a woman kayaking

Lorrie Rivers

Amazing. I want to ensure everyone understands that Nina has her own personalized approach. Nina, you've been able to add more physical activities than many others at this point, which is a blessing. Some people in the program around the same time as you aren't quite ready yet for physical activities. You're good at listening to your body and knowing when it's time to take those steps. I'm so happy for you. Yeah, you have this foundation now, maybe you could talk about that a bit. I know you've described it nicely. Do you know what I'm referring to in what you've been writing about lately? 


Yes, I feel like it's related to gut health. It's not only symbolic but proven that correcting gut health and being able to eat foods has helped my immune system and given me strength. What I've noticed is working on the foundation of my gut health is crucial. It's the first and most important piece for me and I think for you too. It's the foundational piece from which to grow a better immune system and strength. 

In terms of building activities into my daily life, that wasn't happening three months ago. It happened around the four or five-month period. Every so often, something just flips. It's odd. It's like a chunk of armor falling off, not physical or emotional, but something shifts and then I can do it. It's like learning to walk all over again. Getting on the bike, because I didn't have the balance a month ago or two weeks ago, but I felt like I did yesterday. The body tells you when you're ready. 

Lorrie Rivers

That's perfect. So before you started the course, how did you feel about recovery? 


Oh, you're going to get me crying again. Good crying.

Before the course, I felt like I honestly did not know which way to turn. I was very patient in healing and followed various protocols because people with the COVID vaccine injuries are very similar. There is more and more information coming out. I knew there were people healing, but for me, I honestly didn't know where I was going. I was pretty depressed, and couldn't visualize healing anymore. That was pretty scary. The only thing getting me through that was meditating several times a day to keep me focused calm and hopeful. While I was depressed, I was also hopeful, but it's...

a woman meditating

Lorrie Rivers

Now that you're in Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course and noticing these shifts, how do you feel about your recovery? 


Raring to go, and certainly hopeful. It's proof in the pudding, trying it, moving at my pace, and following your protocol plan. Looking forward to the future after being able to get on that bike yesterday. 

Lorrie Rivers

In our relief and transformation community, about the bike, I would love to hear that... 


Yeah. Bicyclists who are healthy find they're out longer, allowing them to listen to their bodies, and avoiding weariness, is crucial for me, especially with post-exertional malaise symptoms. 

Lorrie Rivers

You explained it in a way I'd like to. Beautiful. Combining modules synchronistically with the body. 


Yes, exactly. Building upon itself. Not sure where I was going with that. 

Lorrie Rivers

Thank you for joining us today. Your story is uplifting. 


Thank you so much. 

Lorrie Rivers

That's it for today's episode, folks. Thank you, Nina, for sharing your inspiring journey. It's a joy to have you on the course and to play in the kayak you designed. 


 I'm happy about that too. Thank you so much. 

Lorrie Rivers

 ... a powerful reminder that you can recover. Join us for the upcoming Long Covid and ME/CFS Masterclass Series on October 5th. 


Yes, it's a reminder that you can recover.

Lorrie Rivers

Join us for the upcoming Long Covid and ME/CFS Masterclass Series on October 5th.

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.

Melody's Rapid Transformation 6 Weeks Into The Relief and Transformation Course

  • Melody's Early Health Challenges[00:02:00] 

  • Melody's ICU Experience During COVID-19 [00:04:00]

  • Seeking Solutions and Dietary Changes[00:07:00] 

  • Adjusting to Lifestyle Changes and Establishing Routines [00:12:00]

  • Managing Energy Levels and Pacing [00:13:00]

  • Addressing Parasitic Infections [00:14:00] 

  • Aspiring to Advocate for Holistic Approaches[00:17:00] 

  • Finding Peace with Food and Nutritional Approach[00:21:00] 

  • Tailoring Approaches to Individual Sensitivities in the Relief & Transformation Course [00:22:00] 

  • Empowerment[00:23:00]

Make sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest discoveries and approaches for Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.

Full recovery is possible! Get on the waiting list for the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation.

Lorrie Rivers

Hello, beautiful souls, and welcome back to the Holistic Healing with Lorrie podcast. I'm always so excited to talk to my students, they're amazing and their journey is beautiful. Today, we're talking with a very special person, Melody Johnson, who is currently in the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. , has just been going at big steps, just striding along. I'm really excited to share about her journey and for her to share with you about her journey. 

Before we jump in, I just wanted to let you know that I do have a Long Covid and ME/CFS Masterclass Series coming up you can join us for, and it's specifically for long COVID, ME/CFS, and fibromyalgia, but also really for any chronic illness. We're going to be going into resetting the nervous system which also goes along with emotional and symptom relief. We're also going to be talking about parasites and how they are the root cause of these illnesses. Then we're also going to be going into either pacing or food and I'm not sure which yet. So I'll just talk with you about that. You can register for free for that and you can do that in the description there. Melody, welcome! 

Melody Johnson

Thank you. Glad to be here. 

Lorrie Rivers

Melody, you have had, just like everybody, quite a journey with all this. Can you give us a little bit of background about when you first became ill and what your experience was?

Melody Johnson 

Mine started young in my twenties with back pain. Then I grew up in the country. My dad was military. We always lived off base. Then around 2000, I became a registered nurse. Later, I transitioned to being a physician assistant, and around 2018, I started experiencing swelling in my joints. I didn't feel good—I was fatigued and even got short of breath just walking three flights of stairs, which I had been doing every week for work. I got concerned and took action, so I ordered the necessary tests. I didn't have to consult five doctors on average; I had a friend order everything to make it official. The tests revealed that I had autoimmune conditions—Sjogren's, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. Despite my health challenges, I still functioned. I went to work every other day and made sure to rest on my days off. I even joke about it, saying I have an inverter for my back and every tool known to man to help me get through this. 

Lorrie Rivers


Melody Johnson 

I was functioning, then COVID hit, and my clinic became an urgent care. In one of them, I did family practice and urgent care, and we became a COVID testing center. I was seeing up to 200 patients a day. I had lines wrapped around the building. In my job, the staff tested them. My job was to interpret the test and tell them the results and the plan. It was very brief when I saw them, and I would just listen to their lungs and heart, making sure they were okay. One room would have one family member, the other three were fine. It was just a confusing mess. We came up with all these crazy systems to prevent the police from coming, because we had so many people there. And I got through this; my aunt lost her husband, so I flew to Ohio to help her move here. As a break, my cousin had COVID, and we all met for dinner and we started with masks, but then we ate—it's a small house. And it was that wicked strain from Midwest Ohio. Within a week and a half, I ended up in the ICU and stayed there for almost three weeks. 

They called a respiratory code on me at one point because all I did was walk around the bed, thinking it would help me fill with oxygen and make me a little stronger. It ended up not helping and made it much worse. At that point, I lived a plant-based lifestyle. They didn't know how to cook for me at all in the hospital setting; they brought somebody else's tray by accident. I thought, 'no wonder people are sick.' Watching the food they were eating, the processed stuff. So I was appalled. But I'm still doing all that I know to do. I came home on oxygen. 

Here we are three years later, and I'm still on oxygen. Before I started the program, I was on it for 16 hours. Sometimes I could take a little break; the first thing in the morning, I seemed a little stronger and then I couldn't. I'd get pale and sweaty, and my heart would jump up to the a hundred and thirties, one forties. When I went to the cardiologist, he said, 'Oh, your heart's fine, it's your lungs.' I went to the lung doctor, and he said, 'I think it's your heart.' So I'm going back and forth between these two physicians.

Finally, I looked at both of them and said, 'That's not right.’ And the cardiologist made the most sense. He said, 'Your heart's working harder to make your lungs function.' I thought, 'That's true' because he did the testing, and my heart was fine. Thank goodness because I actually got some of the medicine from the hospital that killed 40 percent of the people. So I was like, 'There's a purpose for me, to survive that medicine, survive those 21 days.' I have led so many to the hospital and saved their lives and talked to people and been very frank with them. I talked to a functional medicine doctor. Just one call. And he casually mentioned, 'I've never healed a vegetarian or vegan. If you can find somebody with results,' he goes, 'please go to them.' I just don't have the skill. So I started looking, and nobody's saying that they can. He had mentioned AIP casually. 

I actually hired a nutritionist for three months, like group coaching, and she taught me all about the autoimmune protocol back in March and I started that. I did see right away some improvement, but not to the extent. Because I know diet really matters, and people want to excuse it and say it's just this or it's just that. I remember joking with my patients, I said, 'So you just take a little crack instead of a lot.' I would tell them to stop the sugar. They were just like, 'Oh,' but I was very blunt as a provider, but I didn't have these tools. So I hear you on your summit, and I thought, 'Oh, I wish I could afford that.' Lo and behold, finally, disability comes through after three years. That's a process, by the way. If you're disabled, they are not there to help you. They are there to drag it out as long as they can, I discovered. No matter what you say.

Lorrie Rivers

Yeah. I will say real quickly that there is a wonderful lawyer that I interviewed for the summit. It's Eddie Dabdoob, and if any of you out there are having issues with getting disability, find him. He is amazing, and he'll help you out.

Melody Johnson

I had a disability attorney. They just said you can't rush the process. It's okay, I've paid into this for 40 years. That was that kind of conversation. I'm on oxygen all the time. I've never seen somebody working with oxygen on, in my whole life, an employee that has oxygen. I couldn't, I tried. I actually tried to do different things, because I have so much knowledge and skill, which was affected by COVID. I had brain fog that was significant. Things I had dosed and given as prescriptions, I couldn't remember. I'd have to go back and look up things, and I was overwhelmed and frustrated. I had lots of symptoms. The insomnia was heavy. I discovered with you, that's the little bugs coming out to play. But I found you, like I said, through the summit. 

By the way, if anybody can watch the summit, it is so worth every minute. Because it started to empower me, and I thought, Oh, I can do that. I can do that. I can do that. Then it became a little bit like, this is it, so I bought it. Because I thought, this is too hard to listen when you're so tired all the time. I purchased it, very economical, and then I thought, oh, I can do this, and 'I started ordering things. Then I thought I needed help, and just a few days in, I reached out to you and you happened to have an opening in the inspiration class. I became a student again. Boy, is it a process to be a student again? 

Lorrie Rivers


Melody Johnson

It's awesome to ask you questions. It's not always awesome to experience some of the things you experience. I went from somebody who rested in the eighties to nineties and then would jump to one twenties, one thirties, walking to the bathroom. I'm sure I had POTS. I never officially got it diagnosed, but I did. I now rest at 68, and I might get in the 80s when I walk to the restroom. 

Lorrie Rivers


Melody Johnson

I know! 

Lorrie Rivers

I also have to say that you've only been on the course for about five to six weeks. 

Melody Johnson


Lorrie Rivers

Just amazing, one of the first things that I noticed was, cause every time I'd talk to you before, you'd had oxygen on

Melody Johnson

Yeah. That has been massively improved as well.

Lorrie Rivers

Yeah, you were using the oxygen. And then one day in class, I was like, Melody, you're not using your oxygen. What's going on?

Melody Johnson

I know, it was awesome. What happened with that was all of a sudden I realized I didn't need it. I only tend to check my pulse ox if I get sweaty or my heart rate goes up because I got tired of it controlling my every step. But yeah, you don't want to be low oxygen for too long because I need every brain cell I have. I would argue with myself and just finally say, screw it, I'm doing it. I'd put it on and quit fighting it. 

Now I notice I rarely need it before evening. By evening, 5, 6, 7 p. m. Then when I go, I have rigid bedtimes because I've created those, not because I have to do it, it's because I choose to do it, because I've discovered if I get in my room by 9 pm, start resting and relaxing, create the environment I want, then I'm asleep by 10, and it works. It works, it really does, and I overextended last weekend. I was so excited that, three days in a row, I got to go out and I controlled the time and did everything. On Saturday, I had a guest, my husband's brother, and he's not controllable. 

He doesn't get, that you need to do certain timings. So we stayed up too long. So it did, I didn't go back to the beginning of it by any means, but it did make me go back to oxygen a little sooner in the day, not early, but sooner. And it was just like, it just reinforced, you really have to set your pace and pacing is magical, if you will. I used to power through and I walked every day for 45 minutes, even though I could barely walk the rest of the day in the net, I could barely get out of bed. I could barely move. I would do it because I knew it was healthy. I was determined to be right. And I'll tell you, I went out in the pool and I thought three laps up and back, it took me down, in the very beginning. So I quit that. I do get to the pool and I just move my arms and I move my legs and I'm very gentle with myself. I found grace and mercy.

Lorrie Rivers


Melody Johnson

Because I was just like,

Lorrie Rivers

Yeah, one of the things that we talked about in the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. is that prioritizing physical movement is one of the last pieces that comes into place.

Melody Johnson

I got so excited last week, that I could actually carry the laundry basket. I haven't done that in months. Because I would have my husband put it in the machine. I'd have my son carry it to where I was sitting. I would fold it, then he would carry it to the bedroom. Sometimes I put it away and sometimes I couldn't. And the other day I just carried it and did it.

Lorrie Rivers

 Yeah. And again, this is after a month and a half and you haven't even fully started treating yet, I don't think.

Melody Johnson

 I just started. I'm not fully recovered. I'm building up. So I haven't, I did herbs. Herbs until now. But the difference is real.

Lorrie Rivers

You left these, there are two posts that you did in the community that I want to talk about and the first one, it made me laugh so hard you said something like my medical mind Is not comprehending that I'm passing parasites. Let's talk about that a little.

Melody Johnson 

Oh my gosh. So I didn't want to do the colander thing you suggested. That just grossed me out because I knew I'd have to rinse it. And I haven't done that stuff since being a nurse. 20-plus years. So I bought the little hats that the hospitals use and then I put a disposable thing across it and I thought I'll catch it. Oh my goodness, I did. I had worms and I'm just like, I had lice one time in my life as a nurse and I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or throw up. That was the way I was feeling with the worms. Do I laugh, cry, or throw up here? Because this is nasty. And I didn't just find the one, I found several. I just quit taking pictures.

Lorrie Rivers


Melody Johnson

 It was just like, this is ridiculous. I live in the United States. How do I have worms? And you think about it, and it isn't, people don't realize how big a deal it is. What it does, and I know you mentioned it, but I had already mentioned it to my husband. That may be why the ivermectin helps some. It didn't help others as much.

Lorrie Rivers

Sure. Then the thing that one of the things that I found so interesting about what you said was when you're trained, medically, what are you taught about parasites?

Melody Johnson

Oh, it's for third-world countries. It's not for here. We're the first world. We're never gonna have those. But we go to restaurants and we eat fresh food that they may not wash as well as we would at home. Or we're lazy at home and don't wash them as good as we should. We have these beautiful pets we just adore that love up on us and they have stuff. I grew up in the country I had all the dirt and germs that I ate. You didn't hesitate to eat the seal.

Lorrie Rivers

Or we're born into it too,

Melody Johnson


Lorrie Rivers 

Parents had chronic illness

Melody Johnson

And I did.

Lorrie Rivers

 Or symptoms, then we inherit.

Melody Johnson


Lorrie Rivers

Yeah. I have to say that almost every single student that I have ended up seeing worms. And the thing is that you have to take into consideration that what you see makes up a small amount of the parasites that we have in our bodies. Most of them you can't even see.

Melody Johnson

To say, if you don't have a microscope, you're missing probably 70 to 80 to 90 percent of them. I just happen to see the big enough ones. It's...

Lorrie Rivers

I know it's, I know it's totally gross. I think I remember being grossed out by it. Now I'm just

Melody Johnson

Now you're excited.

It proves what's inside of you is real. You said that. And I thought it did. Now my husband doesn't want to see pictures.

I said, are you sure? Are you sure you don't want to see pictures? He was like, no, thank you. I actually had the eye doctor say that the other last week. I was telling him that I had, I'll read that, but I was telling him I had stopped a medicine and I said, I just don't want to go blind over this medicine. He said I'm going to clear you today because I had stopped it five months ago. He said but I really don't want to see your pictures. I said, chicken. I was like, come on, you went to medical school. He goes, I'm with the eyes for a reason.

Lorrie Rivers

Oh, they live in the eyes too,

Melody Johnson

Absolutely in the brain, everywhere.

Lorrie Rivers

 Yeah, exactly.

Melody Johnson

I didn't get it when I was a provider. I didn't have a clue. I wish I did. I'll read what I wrote in the community...

By the way, I would encourage this because of the community. I can jump on there and ask questions or answer questions if I know the answer. We're all there to help each other and support each other when the rest of the world, most of it, doesn't have a clue what we're doing and it's working. So I'm excited, but I said I have all the traditional ones. And I was a physician assistant myself and called myself in. Oh, 

Lorrie Rivers

Real quickly to clarify, by "ones" you meant doctors, right? So this is something that Melody posted in the community. 

Melody Johnson

Sorry. I probably should be more clear.I have all the traditional doctors. Someone asked about a physician, and I said I was a physician assistant. I called myself integrative, but through the summit, now the course, I'm learning so much that no one brought up.

"I want to do the same thing (help people learn about all this). I want to walk into the lung doctor without oxygen and tell him about the worms. I want to let the cardiologist know I've gotten rid of my last med because I'm doing so well. I've weaned it to a quarter of its original dose in the last few months. I want to teach my general doctor how to help her husband and myself as they have long COVID. 

But it didn't get quite as intense as I did. I want to smile at the rheumatologist and tell him I haven't taken his prescription since I last saw him six months ago when he made me cry because he said there was nothing left to offer and smirked when I brought up functional medicine."

By the way, I didn't write this part, but I told him, I said, Oh, they're MDs too, they just have an open mind. I was just like...but anyway, some of the tears may have been aggravation, but mostly just what do I do? Helpless. 

Anyway, "I want to tell the eye doctor I'll be back as needed. Not every six months because the medicine the rheumatologist could give me could make me blind. So many things I'm praying I get to do."

Lorrie Rivers

And how are you feeling about those all coming to pass now? 

Melody Johnson

For the first time in almost three years, I feel hopeful. I feel like there might be an answer for me. It was interesting; in the hospital, I lost a lot of weight because I was so sick and to eat was an effort. Then I get out and I'm still plant-based and I start ballooning up. I just didn't get it. My cousin and I joked about being the only plant-based people in the world that gained weight. 

Lorrie Rivers


Melody Johnson

It was just like, but it was, it's part of it. And it's interesting now, eating the way you've helped us learn to eat (which is NOT plant-based), how at peace I am with food. Before, that could be a whole conversation, the food conversations I had in my head all the time. It was just like, I couldn't stop it. I can see in my face I've lost, and I think I've lost, just recently, I had been on that other AIP for three months and lost nothing. Then I even said that to her (her previous nutritionist) and she said, when you're sick, you may not lose as fast in the beginning. That's actually okay. She said, cause if you're that sick, then it's more worrisome. 

Now I feel like I'm doing things in a healthier way for sure, but hopeful, definitely hopeful and optimistic, and telling people left and right, sharing your podcast, sharing videos you've done to fit their situation because people don't care what you say until you meet what they want. And I've learned in life and, That's one thing I want to share with them what will meet their need and you're doing it left and right with this program and it's a big deal to do what we're doing because the standard doctors will not do this or traditional medicine.

Lorrie Rivers

Yes. I'm so glad that you brought up the specificity for each different person because it's different and that's such a big part of the program. With you, we can play and have fun because you're more tolerant of things, whereas with other people, they're very sensitive. So we have to approach things in a different way.

Melody Johnson

Interesting is I wasn't tolerant before this. I would eat certain foods, not down to four, like some people, but I never got to that low. I think I like food too much. I forced the issue, but it was, I just would feel bad and suck it up and just move on. My dad even asked, he's now 80 and he said, you think it's because you've tried all those diets through the years that this happened? Cause he didn't understand. And now that I've done the summit and with you, I understand it's the hidden infections.

Lorrie Rivers

Yes. Absolutely. 

Melody Johnson

What I did outside of myself, per se. It's something inside of me that needs healing. 

Lorrie Rivers

Yes. Absolutely. It's so interesting because I have people who come to me and say, I've had an eating disorder for a while and so I'm not sure if I can do the course. I try not to push the issue too much, but if somebody has an eating disorder, they have hidden infections. 

Melody Johnson


 Lorrie Rivers

They have these cravings that are caused by the parasites. Same kind of thing with alcohol, stuff, with all these different things. So I'm so glad that you brought that. 

Melody Johnson

 It's even. I even did volume. If you listen to vegetarians and vegans, Oh, you can eat as much as you want. That was my head issue, was overeating. It never, I never quite aligned with that, but yet, it's hard. Feed the right combinations so that I don't get hungry sooner than I do now.

It's interesting now I'm a bowlful because it's a lot of food for me, and I never thought that would be that way in my life. Because it's the right combination, I am, and I stay that way. But before this, it didn't matter if I was satiated, I could eat until I got sick, it was stupid. I would say that to myself, don't think people are stupid. But it was just like, oh my gosh, and I'd be frustrated with myself, and then this has empowered me to think, no. And I made a rule for myself, if I wanted a second helping, wait ten minutes, just ten minutes. And then if I still wanted it, I'd eat it. I'm not going to make this so hard and so rule-oriented, and it's worked. It's like I've given my permission.

I've got to tell you one funny story. We used to work in a children's home and this boy had a potty mouth. He would say the F word. Like I say the word and so he really struggled and we're in a Christian home. 

Lorrie Rivers

Oh, wow. 

Melody Johnson

 It was like, I couldn't just let him fly all the time free. So we said, okay, you've got two swear words. You're allowed to say a day. He said I can do that. I said, you won't have any trouble from me too. Before I knew it, he wasn't saying any because that too, 'cause I would just hold my finger up when he would do it. It's like giving yourself permission to know you can get better. It's okay to do this. I want to be healed, and I need a group to do it. I, we're never an island. So for me, the summits and then the class have been transformational. 

Lorrie Rivers

Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. So what would you, I think you really just summed it up beautifully right there, but just in case for anybody who's out there, who's considering taking the course and just not a hundred percent sure, the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. , and they're just not a hundred percent sure, what would you say to them? 

Melody Johnson

Figure it out, figure out how you can do this, because if you are sick of being sick. If you're sick of your illness controlling your every move, every step, every moment. Because all you can think of is this. My husband would keep saying, I hope you, I can't wait to see that oxygen off your face. I can't wait to see that oxygen off your face. This was three years ago, the whole time. He wanted it for me so bad. And the people around you want you well. You will even learn how to speak to them. They want to understand what you're feeling in a way but they don't. Some people have mocked, like, oh, she looks fine. Oh, she's not sick. Oh, she's this, and they think you're okay, and you're not inside. I would encourage anyone with a chronic illness, any chronic illness, to at least have a conversation with Lorrie, and then decide, but I would decide for it. I did. Best thing ever. 

Lorrie Rivers

 It's such a joy to have you in the course, especially, as a former physician's assistant, because you are so knowledgeable. 

Melody Johnson

Damn, 30-plus years. 

Lorrie Rivers


Melody Johnson

 It's you can't play me anymore from people's conversations. I'm the one that calls you on it. I'm the one. I called myself on some things. 

Lorrie Rivers 


Melody Johnson

You got to be honest with yourself and being sick is not fun. This is because my mom is chronically ill and she exists now on a couch, mostly. I did not want to become that person. When I first got out, I couldn't even get myself out of a chair without help. I had to be moved and helped and showered and I've come so far, but I knew there was more. I didn't want to stop. I'm telling anybody listening, don't stop. Keep being your best advocate, your own best advocate, and help get yourself help if you don't know what to do next.

Lorrie Rivers

Beautiful, Thank you so much, Melody, for sharing your experiences. To everyone watching and listening, if you're interested in the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. , please do reach out. I'm happy to meet with you in a Discovery Call to answer any questions you have if you're seriously considering it. We have a Long Covid and ME/CFS Masterclass Series coming up, and we have wonderful people in the program like Melody who have already walked this path and can help you out. It's a really supportive system you'll be in. Also, make sure to subscribe to Holistic Healing with Lorrie, and I'll see you in the next video or episode.

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.

Why High Dose Vitamin C Can Be Bad For Your Health (and alternatives!)

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential water-soluble vitamin that supports the immune system, skin health, and wound healing. It acts as a powerful antioxidant, helping to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, and leafy greens are common sources of vitamin C in the diet.

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Full recovery is possible!  Apply for a Discovery Call with Lorrie to explore whether the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS program is right for you.  You can also explore our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program and other courses.

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin found in fruits and vegetables. It can also be obtained through dietary supplements. Vitamin C is an essential nutritional element that our bodies cannot produce naturally, making it important to include it in our daily diets.

Tangerines a creat source of vitamin c

Why do we need vitamin C?

Vitamin C serves several roles in maintaining human health. First, it plays a pivotal role in keeping our skin healthy by preventing the inactivation of two key enzymes:

Which are essential for collagen production. Collagen, in turn, helps accelerate wound healing and skin elasticity.


Second, vitamin C acts as a cofactor in the synthesis of L-carnitine, a molecule necessary for fatty acid metabolism. It also contributes to the production of neurotransmitters like catecholamines, facilitating various physiological functions. These processes involve hydroxylation steps, where vitamin C optimizes enzyme activity.

Various vitamin c rich fruits

Third, vitamin C exhibits potent antioxidant properties. It functions as a scavenger, neutralizing harmful free radicals and oxygen-derived species, safeguarding our cells from oxidative stress-induced damage. This protective quality is particularly significant in potentially preventing conditions like atherosclerosis and cancer, which can result from tissue damage caused by oxidative stress. Vitamin C's antioxidant capabilities also help shield against UV-induced skin damage.

Vitamin C is a major player in bolstering the immune system, helping the body fend off infections. It also facilitates the absorption of nonheme iron, helping the body's iron utilization.

A deficiency in vitamin C leads to a condition known as scurvy, characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Fragile skin, 

  • Bleeding gums, 

  • Fatigue, and 

  • Weakened connective tissues. 

Therefore, ensuring an adequate intake of vitamin C is essential for overall health and well-being.

a fatigued woman

Interestingly, however, people who have been following a Carnivore Way of Eating for many decades seem to have no problem with lacking daily Vitamin C in their diet. We don't know exactly why this is, though I speculate that when the dietary intake is so low in carbs, the body's need for Vitamin C diminishes.

Why Opt for a Salad Over Vitamin C Supplements?

Based on what we have covered so far, vitamin C is great. You probably want more of it in your diet. Hold that thought. When you’re consuming 500 mg or more of vitamin C on a daily basis, there are  potential risks involved. Excessive intake of vitamin C can transform it from a beneficial nutrient into a potential toxin, leading to issues like:

While we've long been advised about the benefits of vitamin C, such as its potential to ward off colds, it's crucial to recognize that excessive intake can have unintended consequences. Recent research has cast doubt on the once-held belief that vitamin C supplements effectively prevent colds, with effectiveness limited to those engaging in physically demanding work or endurance sports.

From Vitamin C to Oxalic Acid

a woman in EXCRUCIATING pain, similar to passing a kidney stone

The human body has a tendency to metabolize excess vitamin C into a corrosive substance known as oxalic acid. You can find out more about oxalates in your diet in this blog post. This acid readily binds to essential minerals like calcium, forming oxalate. As the kidneys work to remove oxalate from the bloodstream, calcium oxalate crystals can develop. These crystals have sharp edges and can cause damage in tissues in the body, including organs, muscles, blood, etc. Oxalates in the body can also lead to painful stones, not only in the kidneys but potentially anywhere in the urinary tract. Over time, if the kidneys are continually burdened with excessive oxalates, it can lead to kidney failure, emphasizing the potential danger of high vitamin C intake. This phenomenon raises concerns that the modern trend of taking excessive vitamin C supplements may be contributing to the increasing incidence of kidney stones and other chronic symptoms, with one estimate suggesting that half of the population will experience kidney stones during their lifetime.

When these unprocessed oxalates escape the kidneys or become lodged in other tissues throughout the body they can create additional health complications. Oxalate crystals have been identified in various human tissues, including;

  • Bones, 

  • Joints, 

  • Glands (especially the thyroid), 

  • Blood vessels, 

  • Arterial plaque, 

  • Eyes,

  • Lungs,

  • Skin. 

These crystals are sharp and irritating, capable of triggering immune responses and inflammation. They may also generate free radicals, which can damage cell membranes and organelles, particularly the critical energy-producing mitochondria.

When cells attempt to dissolve oxalate crystal deposits, oxalate molecules or ions may shift within the body, potentially leading to episodic pain and impairing brain and nerve functions. This can affect various aspects of daily life, including:

  • Sleep, 

  • Concentration, 

  • Memory, and 

  • Cognitive abilities. 

Excessive vitamin C intake may also heighten the risk of calcium oxalate deposits, contributing to bone issues and joint pain.

What's the Safe Amount of Vitamin C?

When it comes to vitamin C, determining a safe intake level is very important. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, stands at 75 mg for adult females and 90 mg for adult males. While these numbers might seem small, even a mere 10 mg is sufficient to prevent scurvy, the dreaded Vitamin C deficiency disease. Most individuals can safely consume 150-200 mg of vitamin C daily without crossing the threshold that leads to excess oxalate production in the body. This level of intake can typically be achieved through a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables.

vitamin c SUPPLEMENT

Let's consider two hypothetical diets: one abundant in healthy, fresh foods and another predominantly composed of fast food. 

On the healthy diet side, there will be an abundance of fresh low-carb veggies. For instance, a lunch consisting of chicken stew and a salad featuring romaine lettuce and a quarter of a red bell pepper can provide 60-70% of the RDA for vitamin C. If the salad dressing includes lemon juice, it adds another 5 mg, bringing the vitamin C content to approximately 59-66 mg. Including 2 sliced radishes (about 4 mg of vitamin C) can elevate the vitamin C content of lunch to nearly 70 mg, which is 78-93% of the RDA. However, many people opt for convenience foods, as seen in most fast-food diets.

a healthy food platTer

Let’s take a look at a typical fast food diet, which, without additional fruits or vegetables, supplies only about 25% of the RDA for vitamin C. Incorporating just a quarter of a fresh bell pepper (38 mg of vitamin C) and half a cup of raw cantaloupe (23 mg of vitamin C) would bring this fast-food diet up to the RDA for vitamin C. Nonetheless, it's crucial to note that adding bell peppers and cantaloupe cannot address the myriad other nutritional deficiencies and health issues associated with a fast-food diet.

junk food with a side of fresh veGGies

These examples underscore the importance of including fresh vegetables in your diet to meet vitamin C requirements. Daily consumption of fresh vegetables, like broccoli with dinner or a simple salad, can easily help you achieve your vitamin C goals. Remember, vitamin C is not stored in the body, so daily intake is important if you are eating carbs. Always opt for obtaining your regular daily Vitamin C through your foods rather than a high dose supplement.

The one caveat here is that if you are starting to have symptoms of an acute infection, high doses of Vitamin C are helpful to stave off the infection, along with other measures. Only for acute infections, though, so you'd only be taking it for a few days, not for weeks or months (or years for some!).

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.

Curhan, G. C., Willett, W. C., Speizer, F. E., & Stampfer, M. J. (1999). Intake of Vitamins B6 and C and the Risk of Kidney Stones in Women. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 10(4), 840–845.

Canavese, C., Petrarulo, M., Massarenti, P., Berutti, S., Fenoglio, R., Pauletto, D., … Marangella, M. (2005). Long-term, low-dose, intravenous vitamin C leads to plasma calcium oxalate supersaturation in hemodialysis patients. American Journal of Kidney Diseases: The Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation, 45(3), 540–549.

Padayatty, S. J., Sun, A. Y., Chen, Q., Espey, M. G., Drisko, J., & Levine, M. (2010). Vitamin C: intravenous use by complementary and alternative medicine practitioners and adverse effects. PloS One, 5(7), e11414.

Parasuraman, R., & Venkat, K. K. (2010). Crystal-Induced Kidney Disease in 2 Kidney Transplant Recipients. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 55(1), 192–197.

Rosenthal, A., Ryan, L. M., & McCarty, D. J. (1988). Arthritis associated with calcium oxalate crystals in an anephric patient treated with peritoneal dialysis. JAMA, 260(9), 1280–1282.

Lorrie Interviews Judy Cho of the Carnivore Cure

  1. Judy Cho’s Introduction... [00:00:00]

  2. Microbiome 101... [00:00:54]

  3. The Importance and Uncertainty of Microbiome Diversity... [00:02:00]

  4. The Meat-based Elimination Diet and its Effectiveness... [00:07:00]

  5. Gut Issues in CFS Patients [00:10:38 - 00:11:22]

  6. The Individualized Approach to Diet [00:12:00]

  7. Importance of Baselines and Monitoring [00:12:43]

  8. Chronic Fatigue, Gut Issues, and Probiotics [00:20:39]

  9. Antibiotics and the Impact on Gut Health [00:21:04]

  10. Choosing the Right Probiotics [00:22:00]

  11. Balancing Probiotics Intake [00:24:00]

  12. Coffee's Effect on Vitamin Absorption - [00:34:56]

  13. Meat-based Elimination Diet,  Histamine Intolerance, and Ways to Manage It  - [00:38:00]

  14. Experimenting and Alternatives for Histamine Reduction - [00:41:59] 

  15. Benefits of the Carnivore Elimination Diet - [00:43:00] 

  16. Conclusion and Gratitude - [00:45:58] 

Make sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest discoveries and approaches for Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.

Full recovery is possible! Get on the waiting list for the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation.

Lorrie Rivers 

Here today with Judy Cho, a nutritional therapy practitioner and the author of "The Carnivore Cure." Judy holds a psychology and communications degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and has a holistic health private practice focusing on gut health and root cause healing. She also concentrates on meat-based elimination diets, especially beneficial when dealing with chronic illnesses. Judy, you're a rock star in the nutrition world. We're going to discuss the microbiome with you today. Welcome, Judy, and thank you for being here.

judy cho’s book

Judy Cho

Thank you for having me. I'm excited to discuss gut health.

Lorrie Rivers 

Microbiome is a term we're hearing frequently, especially in the holistic health realm. What exactly is the microbiome?

Judy Cho

Simply put, the microbiome is part of our body comprising viruses, fungi, and a significant amount of bacteria. Most of the research focuses on bacteria. They regard the microbiome or the set of bacteria as our second brain. It influences numerous bodily functions. We have a skin microbiome, but our most substantial one is our gut microbiome, primarily located in the large intestine's cecum. Here, viruses, pathogens, gut bugs, and bacteria predominantly reside. A lack of bacterial variety indicates our microbiome isn't balanced or lacks diversity. Although DNA sequencing has given us some insight into which strains are beneficial, there's still much we don't know. 

While diversity is often championed, the importance of a diverse diet may be overstated. A recent study I was involved with demonstrated that a carnivorous diet was more effective in treating small intestinal bacterial overgrowth than any other elimination diet. Though meat consumption might reduce bacterial diversity, its importance is still debatable. Over the years, I've witnessed significant gut healing in clients without needing medicine for root cause healing I don't necessarily advocate for high fiber or a vast variety of plant consumption, as these recommendations are relatively recent. Historically, our gut health was possibly better without such a varied intake.

bacteria graphic

Lorrie Rivers 

The idea of reducing plant consumption is still novel to many, including me. But it does make sense, considering our ancestors didn't have access to a diverse range of plants and fruits as we do now.

Judy Cho 

bacteria graphic

Precisely. Good gut health is crucial, especially when dealing with conditions like colitis or autoimmune diseases, which often originate from gut imbalances. Ensuring efficient digestion and absorption is more important than focusing solely on specific microbes. For instance, if you experience bloating or burping soon after eating, it might be an upper GI issue. Consuming carb-rich, fiber-dense foods causing gas and sharp pains indicates small intestine distress. It's essential to pinpoint and address these issues rather than concentrating solely on microbiome diversity. For example, while probiotics can be beneficial, they don't necessarily need prebiotic foods to thrive. 

By basing a diet on meat, which is nutrient-dense and bioavailable, even those with compromised gut health can absorb nutrients efficiently. All elimination diets, except for vegan ones, prioritize meat. Reducing plant intake might help alleviate gas, bloating, and immune responses. Once the gut heals, you can reintroduce foods and gauge their impact on your body, making gut health paramount.

Lorrie Rivers 

Many with CFS struggle with debilitating gut issues. My own experience two decades ago involved alternating between diarrhea and constipation. Adopting an elimination diet simplifies things. Shifting to diets like ketogenic or paleolithic can be confusing, but carnivore diets provide clarity.

Stake photo

Judy Cho 

I'm a big proponent of listening to symptoms. I understand there are rules, and generally speaking, the majority of the population fits into certain categories. But essentially, what you should do is go by your symptoms. If you're eating a certain type of meat, and your fatigue lessens or you feel better, perhaps you're fueling your body correctly. You know your body better than anyone else. 

So rather than strictly counting calories, it's helpful to note down how you feel after each meal. Track your mood, your energy, even your stool. If you notice trends, like feeling better after eating beef or chicken, that's your path to personal healing. There are baseline diets and trends, but ultimately, it's about finding what works for you. Starting with meat and slowly reintroducing foods might be the simplest approach.

A woman experiencing stomach pain

Lorrie Rivers 

There are confusing areas, like candida die-off. If someone transitions from a carb-rich or typical American diet to a carnivore elimination diet, they might feel terrible initially. How should we navigate that?

Judy Cho 

This is where individual responses really come into play. The Herxheimer reaction or "Herx effect" might make you feel worse before you get better. It's challenging to know if you're sticking to a diet longer than necessary or if you haven't given it enough time. There are multiple factors, like getting your macro balance right or maybe under-eating. This is when consulting with a coach can be beneficial. With something like Candida, it's rarely the only issue. You might also be dealing with parasites or heavy metals. Testing can help, but not always. If after 90 days on a new diet you don't see improvements, consider other tests and be honest with yourself about your commitment. It's also wise to get blood work done before and after starting a new diet to track changes.

Lorrie Rivers 

So when you say "pull different levers," what do you mean?

Judy Cho 

It can refer to several things. Some women might be eating too lean, fearing fat, and consuming insufficient calories. In such cases, increasing fat intake can be beneficial. Another lever might be getting a stool test or checking for Candida. It's about exploring various strategies to determine what's not working. For instance, if energy is still low on a meat-based diet, you might want to check your hormone levels. Are you fasting too much? Are you consuming enough calories? Before returning to a diet full of nutrient-poor foods and inflammation triggers, try different approaches.

Lorrie Rivers 

That's a clear explanation. Regarding processed foods like pasta and cereals, they're often fortified. It's like admitting they lack vital nutrients.

cereals and pasta

 Judy Cho 

Precisely. Instead of encouraging consumption of meat with its bioavailable nutrients, we've fortified foods. The quality of fortification is also a concern. Many might use low-quality supplements. For instance, some cereals are fortified with literal iron filings, which is toxic. The regulation for fortification isn't stringent, making it questionable.

Lorrie Rivers 

That's shocking! So, for people with issues like chronic fatigue or long COVID, would you recommend probiotics?

 Judy Cho 


I do for a lot of my clients, primarily because if you've been on antibiotics, there are studies indicating that several years after taking antibiotics, it may still take a while for your good gut bugs to flourish. Some suggest two years while others say just a few months. The truth is, we don't have a definite answer. And the consumption of antibiotics has only increased. Moreover, we constantly use hand sanitizers, which are antibacterial. Even when we consume organic carrots, they might be treated with citrux, another antibacterial agent. If the carrot bag says no washing is needed, you consume that antibacterial residue. This continuous intake kills beneficial microbes. 

Glyphosate on GMO foods targets a bacteria's shikimate pathway. While it might not directly kill human cells, it does destroy our bacteria. This is another danger of consuming genetically modified foods with glyphosate. With all this in consideration, our bacterial count is probably less than ideal. I've observed significant healing among my clients when they incorporate probiotics into their routine. But there's a myriad of probiotics out there. The real question is: Which one should we take?

Lorrie Rivers 

Yeah. Which types do you recommend?

Judy Cho 

It's not as simple as saying "Take lactobacillus." While some studies promote certain strains for specific benefits, digging deeper reveals that excess can cause issues. Broadly, there are three primary types of probiotics. Firstly, soil or spore-based probiotics found in the ground. I favor these because they can thrive in our bodies. Some studies indicate they aid in healing. Secondly, there's Saccharomyces boulardii. And thirdly, lacto and bifido strains. These last two are transient; they benefit us while we consume them but won't persist after. You should choose based on your symptoms. Some work better for certain individuals. But long-term, we shouldn't rely on them. Clean diet should be the focus. Maybe one can take them occasionally as maintenance, but if your diet is optimal, you might not need them.

Lorrie Rivers 

That's a refreshing perspective. I think there's a common belief that probiotics are essential for good health.

Judy Cho 

 It makes sense to consider them if your gut flora is compromised. But if you're living healthily and not taking antibiotics, why introduce external strains? We should allow our bodies to naturally manage its microbiome. Extended probiotic use might alter our microbial balance. We don't have enough research to say this adjustment is always beneficial. There are studies that attempt to decipher a healthy microbiome by analyzing fecal samples from healthy individuals. But diets, genetics, and environments differ. People tend to overcomplicate nutrition. While initial supplementation might be necessary, the goal should be to eventually let the body manage itself.

Lorrie Rivers 

That's a message I wish more people understood. Now, about coffee. I remember you mentioning it in your "Carnivore Cure" book. Can you elaborate on that?

Judy Cho

coffee making process

I have mixed feelings about coffee. Life demands balance. If we were to eliminate all potential health risks, we'd live in a bubble. But even that's not practical! With coffee, it's about determining what you're willing to accept in your life. For instance, while I avoid my apple watch due to its EMFs, I still occasionally use plastic cups. It's about choosing your battles. For many on a meat-based diet, coffee is the one thing they'd hate to give up. However, coffee can be problematic, especially for those sensitive to mold, as coffee beans often harbor mold. This is true for tea leaves as well.

Something about tea leaves I'm not sure about off the top of my head, but they might harbor other toxins. You see, they need to be dried, and with drying comes the potential for mold.

I've also read about the risks of caffeine. Initially, drinking coffee gives us a burst of energy from the cortisol spike, but over time, we simply drink coffee to feel "normal". The more concerning part is that a large portion of the caffeine we consume is produced synthetically in labs, and there's no strict monitoring of its production. This means there are instances where kids consume too much caffeine from energy drinks, leading to cardiac arrhythmia, seizures, and even death.

Many countries, like Europe and Canada, require warning labels after a certain caffeine threshold, but the U.S. doesn’t. For instance, if you've ever ordered a large coffee from Starbucks, the amount of caffeine might vary based on factors like how the beans were grown or how the barista brewed it.

Another thing to consider is that individuals with anxiety may benefit from quitting caffeine. Studies have shown a link between caffeine consumption and heightened emotional responses. Moreover, caffeine can raise blood sugar levels. So if someone's blood sugar remains high despite not consuming many carbohydrates, it might be the coffee spiking their cortisol and blood sugar. And don't even get me started on how caffeine affects our sleep!

While researching for my book, I discovered that an average dose of 250 milligrams of caffeine can decrease cerebral blood flow by 30%. So, even though we feel sharp after drinking caffeine, it reduces blood flow to our brain. I personally cut out coffee for about six months and noticed more stable energy levels throughout the day.

a barista making coffee

Lorrie Rivers 

That's fascinating. Another thing I learned is that caffeine hampers our body's ability to absorb vitamin B1.

Judy Cho

Absolutely. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is vital for energy production. Pork is an excellent source of thiamine, way more than beef. So, for those concerned about thiamine intake, pork is a great option.

Lorrie Rivers

That's insightful. I often advise people in my course to cut out coffee, at least for a while, to let the body stabilize. Adding caffeine to an already unstable system can exacerbate issues.

Judy Cho

I couldn't agree more. Coffee has become such an integral part of our culture, making it harder to let go. There are, however, alternatives to help transition off coffee, like herbal teas. Some people also find Swiss water decaf coffee helpful. And for those experiencing caffeine withdrawal, taurine supplements might help alleviate some symptoms.

Lorrie Rivers 

Interesting. Shifting back to the carnivore diet, what do you suggest for those with histamine intolerance or mass cell activation syndrome? I noticed when I consumed a lot of red beef, which is aged and therefore has higher histamines, I started to develop allergic reactions.

Judy Cho

For those with histamine issues, it's essential to be mindful of meat freshness. Freshly slaughtered and frozen meat might be a better option than aged ones. Avoiding ground beef, which tends to accumulate more histamines due to increased surface area exposure, can also help. Listening to your body is key, and it might require some trial and error to see what works best.

A lot of our DAO enzyme is produced in our small intestine which helps regulate many histamines. However, histamines are broadly defined. Any allergic response to foods might be attributed to histamines, or it might be related to the mass cell. Generally, the key is to focus on gut health.

Most of the enzymes that break down histamines are in your small intestine, and the majority of your immune response is also there. By healing the small intestine, it may better tolerate histamines. Ideally, if most people can eat ground beef without issue, so should everyone else.

In the meantime, reducing high-histamine foods can be beneficial. This includes canned foods, aged foods, and cured meats. Some of my more histamine-sensitive clients opt for meats that have been hung for about two weeks and then frozen. However, in general, it's best to go for solid meats, avoiding ground beef and cured meats. I suggest checking which meats have fewer histamines and then experimenting by slowly reintroducing different meats.

For example, one of my clients started with an ounce of meat to gauge her reaction. During her dietary change, she also focused on gut healing. It's essential to find meats with fewer histamines and maybe even contact butchers that freeze their meats immediately. Histamines increase as meat ages or is cured.

Some theories suggest that copper deficiency or lack of vitamin C might be linked to histamine intolerance. While I haven't seen significant evidence of this, it might be worth exploring. Vitamin C-rich foods like camu or lemon water could be beneficial, while copper can be found in shellfish, though they are high in histamines.

vitamin c illustration

To conclude, I've noticed that clients with histamine intolerances often do well with fresh steaks.

Lorrie Rivers 

That's insightful. I tried lamb and veal for a while, but it gets expensive. To wrap up, what differences have you seen in clients after they've been on the carnivore elimination diet for a few months?

Judy Cho

Most of my clients approach me after already trying a meat-based diet that isn't quite working for them. After some time on the diet and with some additional gut healing, I see improvements across the board. Mental health improvements are particularly significant. I personally battled depression and an eating disorder for years, but switching to a meat-based diet has transformed my health. Considering that a majority of our neurotransmitters are in our gut, it makes sense how diet affects mental health.

If people struggle with gut health or autoimmune issues, a meat-based diet offers a clean and healing approach. It doesn't mean one has to eat only meat indefinitely, but it's a nutrient-dense starting point. I genuinely believe that if more people adopted a meat-based diet, the pharmaceutical industry would shrink significantly.

Lorrie Rivers 

That's a bold statement, Judy. Thank you for your insights. Your book has been an invaluable resource, and I'll link it below for our readers.

Judy Cho

Thank you. Meat provided me with a second chance at life. I want to share the message that perhaps by changing our diet, we can heal. As people experience this healing, I hope they share their journey with others.

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.

Why Keto for Chronic Illness?

The Ketogenic Diet, a high fat and very low carb regimen has regained so much popularity and shown remarkable results in treating conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even neurological disorders like epilepsy, for which it was originally developed nearly a century ago. We find that it's also the best way of eating for chronic illnesses like Long Covid, ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome), fibromyalgia and others.


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What exactly is the Ketogenic Diet?

First introduced by Dr. Russel Wilder in 1924, the Ketogenic Diet initially aimed to minimize seizures in epilepsy patients with severe conditions. In fact, Dr. Wilder was mainly using a ketogenic approach with children patients. Over the years, its effectiveness has been acknowledged not just for epilepsy but also as a powerful tool for swift weight loss and enhancement of health. 


At its core, the Ketogenic diet prioritizes:

  • Minuscule amounts of carbohydrates (usually 20-50g per day),

  • Balanced proportions of protein, and 

  • Fats as a main source of calories and energy

The underlying mechanism of the diet is to restrict the body from accessing carbohydrates, its usual energy staple. Energy created from carbohydrates results in a spike in blood sugar levels and a "fast energy", which often includes an energy crash an hour or so later. The carbohydrate deprivation of a keto diet leads to a notable drop in insulin production, pushing the body to pivot and explore an alternate fuel source: the fat reserves within the body. 

As these fats undergo metabolism, the liver exudes a compound known as ketones, thus coining the term "Ketogenic Diet". It's worth noting that this diet meticulously recommends a low daily carbohydrate consumption of 20-50g, predominantly sourced from vegetables free of starch. Setting it apart from other carbohydrate-conservative diets like the Atkins diet the Ketogenic Diet places an emphasis on the consumption of fats as an alternative.

Once the body starts turning to using fat as its primary energy source, blood sugar stabilizes, energy production is more steady (instead of the spike and crash of carb energy), among other healthy responses in the body.

meals that represents the keto diet

What is Ketosis?

Ketosis is a metabolic state that occurs when the body predominantly relies on fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. It is achieved through a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, the ketogenic diet. During ketosis, the liver converts stored fat into molecules called ketones, which serve as an alternative fuel source for the body and the brain. Ketosis has a fascinating relationship with autophagy, a cellular process that helps the body remove damaged or malfunctioning components. In times of fasting or ketosis, autophagy is often upregulated, leading to the breakdown and recycling of cellular waste. This dual mechanism of ketosis and autophagy has sparked a lot of interest as it may contribute to improved health and longevity by promoting cellular repair and regeneration.

Why is its popularity skyrocketing?

1. Managing Chronic Illnesses 

The ketogenic diet is mostly recognized for improving health outcomes for several chronic diseases, including diabetes and heart conditions. In a 2017 study led by McKenzie and his team, They found that a diet focusing on nutritional ketosis can significantly improve blood sugar levels and reduce the reliance on medications for those with Type 2 Diabetes. 

a model of a heart

There used to be concerns about the keto diet for those with high cholesterol or heart issues because of its high-fat content. However, recent research has changed this viewpoint. A detailed study from 2013 showed that the keto diet not only leads to more weight loss compared to low-fat diets but also significantly improves heart health markers like

Interestingly, the research also highlighted an increase in HDL cholesterol, which is beneficial for heart health.

2. Mitigating Body and Brain Inflammation: 

Scientific studies have consistently demonstrated that when the liver produces ketones during the state of ketosis and these ketones are utilized as an energy source, it's notably more proficient than metabolizing carbohydrates. This metabolic shift leads to a substantial decrease in the production of reactive oxygen species and secondary free radicals. These potentially harmful entities, under normal circumstances, can wreak havoc on: 

  • Cellular structures, 

  • Mitochondrial cell membranes, 

  • Essential proteins, and 

  • Even DNA. 

By significantly reducing the chances of such cellular harm, the ketogenic diet not only presents an opportunity to alleviate inflammation and discomfort within the body but also proactively offers a protective shield, curbing the onset of persistent inflammatory health maladies

a model of a brain

3. Sustained and Long-lasting Weight Management: 

Although the Ketogenic Diet in the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS approach is not for weight loss, it does end up creating weight loss for those who have more weight on than they'd like. Not only does it facilitate prompt weight shedding, but recent studies, such as the one by Bueno in 2013, suggest its potential superiority over other diets that focus on caloric restrictions, particularly in the context of long-term weight retention. The rationale behind this is believed to involve two major players: 

  • Firstly, the diet's ability to curb hunger is largely attributed to the satiating qualities of high-fat consumption;

  • Secondly, there are potential alterations in hormones that modulate appetite. 

Intriguingly, while adherents of the Ketogenic Diet are often encouraged to eat until they feel satisfied,  indications suggest that, unlike certain other dietary plans, such as the predominant low-fat diets, it might not have detrimental impacts on your metabolism or the basal metabolic rate.

4. Additional Health Benefits: 

Beyond these health benefits, the Ketogenic Diet's therapeutic advantages extend to addressing and potentially managing an array of health challenges. This encompasses specific cancer types, and neurological anomalies, as underscored by Stafstrom, C. E., & Rho, J. M. in 2012, such as epilepsy.

We also find in the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS that it's the most supportive way of eating for people with Long Covid and ME/CFS and other chronic illnesses while they are treating underlying hidden infections that are causing the illness. There are other things that need to be addressed as well, but a ketogenic way of eating is the basis of the very important step of getting the Relief & Transformation Eating Plan in place.

Reported Advantages of the Keto Diet

A predominant segment of those who ardently adhere to the "Keto Diet" attest to swift improvements in various facets of their holistic health. Specifically in areas like:

  • Cognitive Function 

  • Memory and concentration 

  • Energy Levels

  • Mood Regulation

  • Appetite Regulation

  • Skin and Hair Health

  • Joint pain and inflammation

Is the Keto Diet right for you?

If you face any of the health issues mentioned earlier, the Ketogenic Diet could be a vital part of your recovery plan. However, it's essential to note that this way of eating has a transition period during which you might not feel so well. For more information about the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course, Eating Plan, and how to heal from chronic illness, visit us.

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.


Masino, S.A. & Ruskin D.N. (2014). “Ketogenic Diets and Pain”Journal Child Neurology, 28(8): pp993-1001.

Bueno, N., Vieira de Melo IF., Lima de Oliveira, S. & da Rocha Ataide, T. (2013) “Very Low carbohydrate ketogenic diet v. low-fat diet for long-term weight loss: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials,” British Journal of Nutrition, 110(7), pp 1178 – 1187.  

Dashti, HM., Mathew, TC., Khadada, M., Al-Mousawi, M., Talib, H., Asfar, SK., Behbahani AI. & Al-Zaid, NS. (2007). “Beneficial Effects of Ketogenic Diet in Obese Diabetic Subjects.” Journal of Molecular Cell Biochemistry. 302(1-2), pp 249-256. http://doi1007/s11010-007-9448-z

McKenzie AL, Hallberg SJ, Creighton BC, Volk BM, Link TM, Abner MK, Glon RM, McCarter JP, Volek JS, Phinney SD. (2017). A Novel Intervention Including Individualized Nutritional Recommendations Reduces Hemoglobin A1c Level, Medication Use, and Weight in Type 2 Diabetes. JMIR Diabetes, 2(1): p5.

Mavropoulos, J. C., Yancy, W. S., Hepburn, J., & Westman, E. C. (2005). The effects of a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet on the polycystic ovary syndrome: A pilot study. Nutrition & Metabolism, 2, 35.

Stafstrom, C. E., & Rho, J. M. (2012). The Ketogenic Diet as a Treatment Paradigm for Diverse Neurological Disorders. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 3, 59.

Anti-Nutrients: What You Need to Know

We've all heard that vegetables are the cornerstone of a healthy diet. However, there's a side to them that often goes unnoticed: anti-nutrients. Some individuals, especially those with chronic illnesses, can face challenges due to these compounds found in veggies.


Dynamic Background with Ticked List
  • What are Anti-Nutrients?

  • The Misconceptions Around Plants

  • Diversity of Anti-Nutrients

  • Symptoms to Watch Out For

  • Understanding Gluten and its Effects on the Body

  • What is Gluten?

  • Symptoms of Celiac Disease

  • The Dangers of Gluten

  • The Rise of Gluten-Free Diets

  • Beyond Gluten: The Threat of Lectins

  • The Truth about Phytates and Their Impact on Nutritional Health

  • Understanding Oxalates and Anti-nutrients

Make sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest discoveries and approaches for Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.

Full recovery is possible! Get on the waiting list for the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation.

What are Anti-Nutrients?

As the name suggests, anti-nutrients can hinder the absorption and utilization of essential nutrients found in our diet, such as vitamins and minerals. Think of it this way: Animals can flee from danger, but plants can't. Instead, they've developed anti-nutrients over time to deter predators. These compounds can sometimes counteract essential nutrients, making them harder for our bodies to digest and absorb.

a bowl of nuts

Moreover, some of these anti-nutrients are linked to common gut issues like 

This is especially concerning for those already grappling with chronic illnesses. It's essential to know where these compounds are in your diet and how to navigate them.

The Misconceptions Around Plants

AN ImAGE with fruit and vegetables

We've grown up learning the importance of eating plants. Certain naturally occurring compounds in them, however, might not be so friendly to our health. Some plants contain elements that can be toxic to us. For instance, while spinach is widely touted for its health benefits, it's also rich in an anti-nutrient known as oxalates., which we'll go into more detail about later.

On top of natural anti-nutrients, some plants have been exposed to external compounds like Roundup (glyphosphate). As consumers, it's crucial to be informed about these aspects of our diet.

Diversity of Anti-Nutrients

You can primarily find anti-nutrients in 

  • Grains

  • Seeds

  • Legumes

  • Beans

  • Nuts

nuts in a bowl

They're also present in 


  • Plant roots

  • Stems

  • Leaves

The effects of these compounds vary. Some are visibly toxic, while others subtly influence our health.

Given this variety, it's hard to pinpoint the exact amount of anti-nutrients in every food. While most people might not need to cut out all sources, a short-term dietary adjustment could be beneficial for some. Sensitivities differ from person to person, so it's all about finding what works for you.

Symptoms to Watch Out For

If you're grappling with conditions like long COVID, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or other chronic illnesses, it's likely you might be sensitive to some of these anti-nutrients. Common symptoms post-consumption include:

  • Fatigue

  • Nausea

  • Brain fog

  • IBS symptoms

  • Bloating

Understanding Gluten and its Effects on the Body

Have you ever heard the term 'gluten' and wondered what it's all about? Gluten has become quite a buzzword in recent times, but its impact on the body goes beyond mere chatter. Let's take a closer look.

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a family of proteins primarily found in grains like,

  • Wheat

  • Barley

  • Rye. 


These proteins play a significant role in giving bread and crackers their elasticity. However, for many, they are the culprits behind various health issues.

Those with conditions such as celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity can experience adverse reactions when consuming gluten-containing foods. In the Relief and Transformation Eating Plan, all types of grains, including oats and corn, are eliminated. While not all these grains contain gluten, the general advice is to avoid them, especially if you have a chronic illness.

Symptoms of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease can manifest in various ways, including:

  • Skin issues 

  • Gut complications, 

  • Even neurological problems. 

I recall experiencing several symptoms after having gluten before I knew about my issues with it:

  • Severe depression 

  • Brain fog

  • Confusion after consuming gluten. 

feelings of depression

These days, even since fully recovering from ME/CFS, Long Covid, and Fibromyalgia, I still steer clear of all grains unless I'm in Italy eating a few mouthfuls of fresh pasta made by the nonas (grandmothers) who live in the city and hand make the pastas!

For those who test negative for celiac disease but still show symptoms, you may still have gluten sensitivity or be sensitive to other grain-based proteins like lectins.

The Science of How Gluten Works in the Body

Here's a fascinating fact: Humans lack the enzyme to break down gluten fully. So when consumed, these undigested protein clumps, known as gluteomorphins, end up circulating in our bloodstream. Our immune system sees these as invaders, leading to symptoms of gluten intolerance and immune system overactivity. 

Moreover, these gluteomorphins bind to the brain's opioid receptors, much like morphine, triggering feel-good hormones. This connection explains why some might feel a temporary high after consuming bread or pasta but feel worse later. It also suggests a potential addictive nature of gluten-containing foods and needing progressively more and more of them in order to get that same "high" as before.

Gluten doesn't always bind to nutrients directly, but it can cause nutrient deficiencies by inducing inflammation, irritating the gut, and damaging the gut barrier. This disrupted gut barrier can lead to leaky gut syndrome, allowing harmful substances to enter the bloodstream (like gluten itself!).

BREAD and wheat

The Rise of Gluten-Free Diets

GLUTEn free options

As gluten-free diets gained popularity, the market saw a surge in gluten-free products. While these might seem like the perfect solution, many are loaded with sugar and are carb-heavy. The best approach is to focus on whole foods like low-carb vegetables and quality meats.

Beyond Gluten: The Threat of Lectins

Lectins are found abundantly in:

  • Raw nuts

  • Legumes

  • Grains

Lectins are carbohydrate-binding proteins. When consumed, they cause clumping of carbohydrates in our bodies, disrupting cell communication and immune functions. Like gluten, lectins can damage the gut lining, leading to leaky gut syndrome, and allowing harmful substances into the bloodstream.

In essence, understanding the impact of gluten and lectins on our bodies can empower us to make healthier food choices. While grains might be tempting, the potential risks they pose make it worth considering alternative dietary options.

The Truth about Phytates and Their Impact on Nutritional Health

Often referred to as phytic acid, phytates also have anti-nutritional properties. Phytates bind to essential minerals like calcium, iron, and zinc, thereby preventing their absorption in our gut.

Pivotal minerals for our cellcular health are:

  • Calcium

  • Iron

  • Zinc 

When phytic acid enters the picture, it forms complexes with these minerals, rendering them non-absorbable. The end result? Essential minerals are transformed into unusable forms, leaving our bodies deprived.

The human body lacks the enzymes to metabolize phytic acid as well. So, not only does it restrict mineral uptake, but it also accumulates in our system. It continues its binding spree, even latching onto dietary proteins, inhibiting protein-degrading enzymes, like proteases. This exacerbates nutritional deficiencies.

Phytates are found in plants, especially in seeds and nuts. Hence, it's advisable to be cautious with grains, nuts, and seeds. During the initial phases of many health-focused diets, nuts, and seeds are often avoided due to these anti-nutritional factors.

There are ways to mitigate anti-nutrients in plant foods. Techniques such as fermenting, soaking, milling, sprouting, and cooking can help reduce phytate levels. Still, individuals, especially those following vegan or vegetarian diets (which we do not recommend for chronic illness recovery), should be conscious of the potential decrease in iron and zinc absorption due to phytates.

Fermented veggies

Although phytates have their downsides, they aren't without some benefits. They possess antioxidant properties, among other health benefits. The key lies in balance and understanding where you stand in your personal health journey.

Understanding Oxalates and Anti-nutrients

Present in so-called 'superfoods' like spinach, kale, and even chocolate, oxalates are intriguing. These tiny crystal-like compounds have sharp edges, potentially causing damage to the gut lining and other tissues. Symptoms of oxalate build-up can range from joint pain to burning sensations in the eyes, mouth, ears, or throat and the more commonly recognized issue of kidney stones.

Western medicine often overlooks oxalate problems and there's not a great testing option for them. However, symptoms like frequent urination post-consumption of high oxalate foods (like dark chocolate) might be indicative.

Recently, I had an enlightening discussion with Sally Norton, a renowned expert on oxalates. Sally emphasized how certain symptoms can indicate an oxalate problem, something both I and some of my Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS students have personally experienced.

One of my students woke up each morning to a bed full of what felt like sand. Once we started working together she realized they were oxalate crystals that she'd been shedding through her skin! We're currently working on lowering her oxalates load in addition to opening pathways for her body to release the built up oxalate and addressing hidden parasite infections, which is common with chronic illness.

A kidney model

You might be familiar with oxalates in the context of kidney stones. Our kidneys are tasked with purifying our blood, filtering out toxins and waste, and directing them into our urine. When our bodies absorb excessive oxalates, they're released into the urine. In certain conditions, these oxalates can combine with calcium and crystallize in the kidney, creating kidney stones.

When discussing dietary solutions for oxalate problems, I occasionally recommend a temporary pure carnivore diet, especially for those grappling with high oxalate levels or who have developed sensitivities to other anti-nutrients in plants. This approach effectively eliminates the intake of anti-nutrients found in plant-based foods.

If you're wondering how to reduce the anti-nutrient content in your plants, there are several methods. 

  • Cooking your foods and draining the water can decrease the oxalate levels. 

  • Additionally, soaking foods in acidic solutions like lemon juice can also help. 

  • It's essential to ensure an adequate intake of dietary calcium since it binds to oxalates in the gut, preventing absorption. 

  • Opt for low oxalate vegetables and be cautious with raw ones as they tend to be richer in oxalates.

For a comprehensive list of foods with their oxalate contents, Sally Norton's website is invaluable. Some anti-nutrient-rich foods to be wary of include:

  • Chickpeas

  • Almonds

  • Peanuts

  • Potatoes

  • Corn

  • Spinach

Ever felt a strange, scratchy sensation on your tongue after consuming raw spinach? That's the oxalates at work. Other culprits like wheat and soybeans contain multiple anti-nutrients like,

  • Lectins, 

  • Phytates

  • Oxalates.

Wrapping it up.

While plant-based superfoods do provide essential nutrients, they often come with these anti-nutrients, which can inhibit our body's ability to absorb the good stuff and bind to the good nutrients your body needs, making them unavailable to your body. If you're keen on including nuts and seeds in your diet, opt for sprouted varieties and remove the outer seed case, which is often rich in anti-nutrients. For instance, the dark outer layer on almonds is something you might want to avoid. For added benefits, consider soaking them in acid solutions.

If you're battling chronic ailments, it's advisable to limit or avoid high anti-nutrient foods. If you have any queries or need more insights, subscribe to "Holistic Healing with Lorrie" or join our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or our flagship Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS online course that opens for registration 3-4 times a year.

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.

Lorrie's interview with Sally Norton on Oxalates and Healthy Living.

Oxalates are naturally occurring compounds found in plants. While they play a role in plant metabolism, when consumed in large amounts by humans, they can lead to health issues. 

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Full recovery is possible! Get on the waiting list for the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation. For powerful passive training of the nervous system based on Polyvagal Theory, check out the Safe and Sound Protocol.

Meet Sally Norton

When we think of healthy living, most of us focus on common tips like drinking water or consuming vegetables. Sally Norton, however, a renowned expert on nutrition, challenges us to think deeper. She's published "Toxic Superfoods," a book that promises to shed light on lesser-known dietary culprits - oxalates. Sally attended Cornell University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studyign nutrition. If you're keen on unveiling hidden nutritional truths, Sally's journey and insights are a must-read.

From the early days, Sally's enthusiasm for nutrition was palpable. She was always excited to share her latest food findings with family members, especially her mom. This early passion blossomed further when she entered seventh grade, pushing her toward Cornell. 

Yet, life had its share of obstacles. Even with her deep understanding of healthy living and impressive professional stride, Sally grappled with health issues - from foot complications to the exhausting difficulties of chronic fatigue. After years of following what we traditionally think of as a "healthy" diet, she discovered the toxic nature of oxalates in some of those "healthy" foods. She discovered the benefits of a low-oxalate diet, which not only provided her relief but also sparked an urge to advocate for the negative influences of oxalates on our health.

Sally K Notron’s Book: toxic superfoods

What are Oxalates?

For many, oxalates are an unfamiliar topic, often overshadowed by more common dietary discussions. Simply put, they are salt or crystal structures stemming from oxalic acid. When this acid interacts with minerals such as calcium or magnesium, it results in the formation of oxalates.

The crystal structures of oxalates are sharp and can lodge in all areas of the body, causing various symptoms that we go into more detail further.

Plants utilize oxalic acid as a defense mechanism against predators. But it's worth noting that it's not exclusively found in plants. Traces can also be discovered in our environment, notably in polluted air and specific fungi. In fact, some of the parasites and fungi that live in our own body's microbiome can produce oxalates. The main concern? Understanding how consuming high levels of these oxalates might affect our health.

What is Oxalic Acid?

Ever come across the term acid rain? Amongst the numerous acids that contribute to it, oxalic acid stands out as one of the most predominant. This seemingly insignificant compound, with a simple structure consisting of just two carbons and four oxygens, has a wider presence than one might initially think. It has the potential to spontaneously form not only in polluted air but also in sea mist, demonstrating its pervasive nature. Additionally, it is produced by certain plants and fungi. It's fascinating to note that many plants generate it by initially converting it from vitamin C.

This knowledge can be applied to human bodies as well. When we consume excessive vitamin C, it too can degenerate into oxalate in our bodies.

Oxalate: From Acid to Crystals

To understand oxalate, you must recognize it as both an acid and a crystal-forming compound. Originating in nature, when plants produce these crystals, they resemble microscopic shards of glass or sandpaper, evocative of finely ground quartz dust. These tiny, abrasive particles, though naturally occurring, can pose serious health challenges if ingested in significant quantities or if the body is already compromised. 

Beyond its presence in nature, oxalic acid's potency as a corrosive agent is well-acknowledged and respected in various industries. There, it's employed not just for its aesthetic value, but also for its practical uses, specifically to bleach:

  • Fabrics

  • Wood

  • Leather

This highlights its multifaceted applications

sample of oxalate crystals

Impact of Oxalic Acid on the Body

The effects of oxalic acid on the human body are profound and multifaceted. We have already looked at its utility as a potent cleaning agent in various industrial applications. This is great for those applications, however, its introduction into our delicate bloodstream might not be a wise idea. Health concerns that might arise from excessive consumption are guaranteed.

Extensive research has repeatedly underscored its detrimental role, particularly in causing undue stress to our kidneys and the entire urinary tract system. Prolonged or excessive exposure to this compound has been linked to the uncomfortable and sometimes painful formation of kidney stones. Beyond this, oxalic acid possesses a unique affinity to bind and latch onto essential minerals. This binding property allows it to convert into hard crystals, which may manifest complications in various parts of our body, including:

  • The thyroid

  • Bones

  • Tendons

  • Muscles

  • Organs

  • Really anywhere!

The accumulation of these crystals can potentially lead to tissue injury. For instance, in certain foods, oxalic acid is present in a form resembling tiny darts capable of penetrating cells. This can trigger inflammation and other adverse reactions.

illustrations of the human body

Oxalate-rich Foods and Their Effects

Many foods we commonly enjoy and incorporate into our diets surprisingly contain oxalates. If you’re trying to steer clear of this compound, here are the Top 5 foods to avoid: 

  1. Almonds

  2. Turmeric 

  3. Cocoa powder (that includes any kind of chocolate!)

  4. Spinach

  5. Chard

When we ingest these foods that have been touted as superfoods, the oxalates don't linger; They quickly enter our bloodstream. They often end up in the liver, our body's primary detoxification organ, which works to neutralize and manage these potentially harmful compounds. 

With repeated and high intake, the constant bombardment of oxalic acid begins to strain the liver. Over time, this pressure can deplete the liver's natural defense mechanisms, thereby compromising its ability to function optimally and leading to potential damage to its vital cells and overarching functions.

Subsequently, the oxalate-loaded blood circulates throughout the body, reaching various organs and tissues. As the body's filtration system, the kidneys get affected as well. In their determined attempt to purge the system of this potentially harmful compound, they work overtime, exerting significant stress on their delicate structures. Continual strain and the constant need to filter out high levels of oxalates can eventually wear down the kidneys. Over time, this relentless pressure can result in severe renal complications, posing serious health concerns.

You've probably heard of kidney stones before and in fact, kidney stones are made up of, you guessed it, oxalates.

Recognizing Oxalate-Induced Symptoms

It's essential to understand the signs of oxalate overconsumption to protect and promote our overall well-being. You might experience a range of symptoms, from subtle to more pronounced. For some, 

  • Joint pain

  • Persistent lung problems

  • The sudden appearance of itchy bumps on the skin.

  • Kidney stones

  • Vulvar pain

An IMAGE of a kidney

All these can be clear indicators of oxalic acid overload. Speaking of the itchy bumps on the skin, shockingly, when people scratch these irritating bumps, they may find tiny, embedded oxalate crystals, akin to sand.

These visible signs are just the tip of the iceberg. Internally, the havoc wreaked by excess oxalates can manifest in numerous ways. Apart from the direct symptoms, oxalates have been linked to a myriad of health concerns. Conditions like:

  • Chronic fatigue, 

  • Memory issues leading to dementia, 

  • Painful arthritis

  • A host of other age-related diseases 

A Fatigued woman

These conditions can have connections to high oxalate consumption. What's alarming is that many of these ailments, which are often dismissed as mere side effects of natural aging or overlooked entirely, might, in reality, be the body's cry for help against a diet consistently high in oxalates.

While plants offer numerous health benefits, it's essential to remember that not all plants or their compounds are entirely benign. Oxalic acid, despite its inconspicuous nature, can have profound effects on our health when consumed in excess. Being aware of oxalate-rich foods and moderating their intake can go a long way in ensuring our well-being.

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.

Lorrie's Interview with Ryan Syverson: Understanding the Impact of Mold on Our Health

Mold is an often-underestimated health concern that can have profound effects on our well-being. Ryan Syverson, a health coach, functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner, and the founder of Sublyme Life has had quite the battle with the repercussions of mold exposure and sheds light on the broader impact of mold on our health.

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Make sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest discoveries and approaches for Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia from Lorrie.

Full recovery is possible! Get on the waiting list for Lorrie's Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation. For powerful passive training of the nervous system based on Polyvagal Theory, check out the Safe and Sound Protocol.

Ryan's Inspiring Journey

Throughout his life, Ryan epitomized health and vitality. He was not only an accomplished ice hockey player but also a proud former Marine Corps member and an avid powerlifter. His dedication to fitness and well-being was evident to all who knew him. Yet, in a dramatic twist of events during his mid-thirties, his health drastically deteriorated. Seemingly out of nowhere, he was overcome by debilitating pain, overwhelming fatigue, anxiety, and depression, challenging his previously unwavering spirit and strength.

Despite multiple doctor visits and exhaustive medical tests, the only diagnosis he received was fibromyalgia. This label felt unsatisfying and incomplete. Ryan, driven by intuition and his own research, suspected mold exposure as the true culprit. His suspicions grew particularly strong after finding water damage in his residence, a red flag for potential mold infestation. Determined to find answers, he hired professionals for a thorough environmental inspection. To his dismay, but not complete surprise, the results revealed alarmingly high levels of mold in his condo, validating his concerns and pointing towards a path of recovery

This revelation was not just a shock but a monumental turning point for Ryan. Along with the daunting physical challenges, he was burdened with the unexpected financial strain of mold remediation. The costs were staggering, leading him to the precipice of financial instability and even the looming threat of bankruptcy. Through these trying times, he underwent an intense emotional and psychological journey. Yet, in the wake of this adversity, Ryan found resilience. He now views this tumultuous episode of his life as a transformative period, rich with lessons. It served as a clarion call, allowing him to reflect deeply, prioritize his holistic health, and confront deep-seated emotional issues that had long gone unaddressed.

The Far-reaching Implications of Mold Exposure

The implications of mold exposure are vast, profound, and often underestimated by the general public. A staggering 93-94% of individuals diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome exhibit high mycotoxin levels. This clearly suggests a strong correlation with mold exposure.

In light of these findings, it becomes increasingly imperative to distance yourself from mold-ridden environments and undertake proactive measures to assist the body in its crucial detoxification processes. For some individuals, especially those with underlying health conditions, continued exposure can lead to serious, long-term health consequences. 

Genetic Predisposition to Mold

Beyond the immediate physical effects, there are genetic implications at play. Specific genetic markers might predispose some people to be more susceptible to mold's adverse effects. This intricate connection between genetics and mold exposure is a fact that is frequently overlooked or misunderstood by many healthcare professionals, emphasizing the need for greater awareness and research in this area.

For anyone grappling with unexplained health anomalies or puzzling symptoms that defy conventional diagnoses, considering mold as a potential factor may be worthwhile. The nature of mold exposure often goes unnoticed, making it critical to dig deeper when seeking answers. Always seek expert opinions, preferably from those who understand the intricacies of environmental health. Furthermore, it's essential to keep an open mind, to research, and to advocate for yourself in the face of skepticism.

Remember, some of the most transformative healing experiences often result from combining intuition with a comprehensive, holistic approach to health. In the journey to wellness, a multi-faceted perspective that embraces both traditional and alternative modalities can often illuminate the path forward.

Understanding Mold Sensitivity

Ryan described an unforgettable experience, a stark encounter with the invisible threats that mold presents. While working in a mold-contaminated warehouse, he suddenly found himself in a mental fog. This "shutdown" was alarming, as he struggled to recall even the simplest of information, making tasks he once took for granted incredibly challenging. Interactions, once effortless, became laborious and strained. As time passed and he reflected upon that disorienting episode, the pieces of the puzzle began to align. With deeper research and introspection, he came to the undeniable realization that his debilitating symptoms were intrinsically linked to mold exposure.

Mold's Pervasive Health Consequences

Mold's reach extends far beyond what many anticipate. It can potentially harm every system in our body, from the circulatory to the nervous system. Beyond just causing visible symptoms, it dives deep,

A significant concern that has emerged from recent studies is mold's undeniable link to mast cell activation (MCAS). Mold is not just a contributing factor, but can also be pinpointed as a prime activator for MCAS. This activation has repercussions that span across our bodily systems, influencing the nervous system and various critical components of the immune system, leading to a myriad of health challenges that can often baffle conventional diagnostic methods.

The Role of Binders in Mold Detoxification

Binders are instrumental in mold detoxification. These agents "bind" to mycotoxins, facilitating their expulsion from the body. Ryan introduces a few notable ones:

However, binders, while pivotal in mold detoxification, aren't a one-size-fits-all solution. Their nuanced interaction with our body means that their efficiency diminishes if the digestive system isn't in peak condition. A neglected aspect that many don't consider is the role of a healthy gut. For instance, constipation, often seen as a minor annoyance, can critically hinder toxin elimination, making the binders less effective. Ryan underscores the significance of regular bowel movements. He emphasizes that ensuring a smooth digestive process is integral to maximizing binders' efficacy and promoting a holistic healing journey.

In Lorrie's Relief & Transformation: Recovering From Long Covid and ME/CFS course, we like using the Cellcore MYC Kit to address mold, usually after detox pathways are open and parasites have been addressed for several rounds of treatment. Email us for the Patient Code if you're interested in Cellcore products and how to proceed with them.

Guidance for Individuals Experiencing Chronic Illnesses Possibly Attributed to Mold

If you’re grappling with conditions like long COVID or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), evaluating mold as a potential contributor should be on your checklist. Given the subtleties of mold's manifestations, it's important to approach the issue with an informed perspective. 

Ryan passionately advises enlisting experts proficient in mold identification and management. Simple, often overlooked, observations such as 

  • Paint bubbling

  • Damp spots

  • Leaks in sinks and 

  • Leaks in the showers 

These might subtly suggest mold's presence. Beyond these initial signs, he fervently encourages mold testing, not just as a preventive measure but as an active step, to assess the issue's magnitude in our dwelling and ensure a safe living environment.

You can watch the full interview at Holistic Healing with Lorrie.

I hope this post has turned you on to an often-dismissed health threat. We want you to be healthy and thriving!

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.

The Connection Between Diet and Long COVID & ME/CFS Symptoms

Ever wondered why some foods leave you feeling drained while others fuel your fire? Your diet doesn't just affect your waistline; it can energize you and feed other unwanted guests who might be causing problems in your body.

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Make sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest discoveries and approaches for Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.

Full recovery is possible! Get on the waiting list for the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation. For powerful passive training of the nervous system based on Polyvagal Theory, check out the Safe and Sound Protocol.

The Importance of Diet in Chronic Illness

When talking about diet, it's easy to get overwhelmed with the myriad of options available. Growing up, I remember the low-fat diet being all the rage for health and weight loss. But now, understanding what I do about the body's needs, we all recognize the importance of healthy fats, especially during healing processes and we understand that a low-fat diet is actually very unhealthy. Over the years, I've experimented with all sorts of diets:

Some of these ways of eating are helpful in fully recovering from chronic illnesses like Long Covid, ME/CFS, and Fibromyalgia, and others actually work against you.

The Root Cause

Before we get into specifics, it's pivotal to understand the root cause of your symptoms. A fact that is overlooked in modern medicine is that chronic illnesses, including Long COVID and ME/CFS, can be linked to hidden infections (overgrowth of harmful microbes in our bodies). These aren't just limited to common culprits like Candida; they also encompass

  • Helminths (Worms)

  • Protozoa

  • Ectoparasites

  • Fungi

  • Specific viruses

  • Bacteria

  • Others

When these "bad" microbes multiply and outnumber your "good" microbes, they can cause various ailments.

One thing to note is that our diet can feed these microbes, exacerbating symptoms and allowing them to proliferate. For instance, even if a certain food doesn't make you feel bad immediately, it could be fueling the harmful microbes in your system, which later causes symptoms to flare.

Dietary Guidelines for Combatting Chronic Illness

Parasites live off of carbohydrates. As someone who's battled severe ME/CFS, I remember my own uncontrollable cravings for carbs and sugars. You maybe remember the story I told about the "game" of my father hiding all the sweets in the house and how I would drag myself around to find them. The intensity of these cravings often ties back to these 'micro-monsters' demanding their feed. Fortunately, as you begin to reduce sugar and carb intake, the cravings start to diminish.

Top 3 Foods to Avoid:


This is the number one no-go.

  • Fruit juice

  • Soda

  • Candy

  • Any processed foods with added sugars

These directly feed the harmful microbes. Watch out though because a lot of foods add in natural sugars too, which is still feeding the critters. Even natural sugars from sources like honey can still provide fuel for these infections.

Processed Carbs:

  • Bread

  • Pastries

  • Pasta

  • Other high-carbs

These can worsen symptoms, as the carbs serve as a feast for the bad microbes in our system.

Certain Fruits and Vegetables: 

Even though they're healthy, some fruits and vegetables can be carb-heavy. Avocado, for instance, though packed with health benefits, is rich in carbs and should be consumed in moderation.

The Guide to the Relief and Transformation Eating Plan

For people embarking on the initial recovery phase of the Relief and Transformation eating plan, I have some key dietary guidelines.

1. Limiting Sugar Intake in the Early Stages

  • Fruits: During the first phase for most students, I advise against consuming fruits. It's easy to over-consume them, leading to excessive sugar intake and they are quickly turned into sugar in our system which feeds the microbes. Sugar, regardless of its source, can negatively impact your recovery. It's like throwing gas on the microbe fire!

  • Post-Phase One: Once you progress beyond this initial phase and symptoms alleviate, you can gradually introduce low-sugar fruits. Sweeter alternatives like honey can be reintroduced much later, once you're completely symptom-free.

I'm definitely not saying that fruits, honey, maple syrup, etc. are bad. In a balanced body, consuming these would be harmless. But when facing dysbiosis, these sugars feed the harmful microbes, which brings us to the next point.

2. Grains: The Bigger Picture

  • The Sugar Connection: All grains, be they gluten-containing or gluten-free ones like corn and rice, eventually break down into sugar in the body. This can fuel bad microbes.

  • Beyond the Gut: It's a myth that infections only target the gut. They can manifest in organs like the liver, lungs, and even joints. As our body distributes nutrients through the blood, these parasites receive their share as well. This distribution can lead to nutritional deficiencies in individuals, despite consuming nutritious foods (because the parasites are using all the nutrients that should go to our own cells!).

  • Gluten: Gluten can be mistaken by the body as a protein from harmful fungi like Candida. This misidentification can trigger inflammation and immune responses. Furthermore, all grains, including ones like

    • -Quinoa,

    • Rice, and

    • -Corn, should be limited

  • Another unique aspect of the Relief and Transformation plan is the restriction on seeds and nuts. Although rich in some nutrients, they contain anti-nutrients, which can eat up all the nutrients they seem to provide, can exacerbate existing sensitivities, particularly in individuals with hidden infections or conditions like leaky gut, and ultimately slow down recovery time.

3. Rethinking Starchy Vegetables

While starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes are nutritious, they can still feed harmful microbes since they are high in carb. Instead, focus on leafy greens and non-starchy vegetables for optimal health.

4. Dairy: To Consume or Not?

In the Relief and Transformation plan, dairy is largely omitted, with the exception of grass-fed butter or ghee (provided you can tolerate them). Dairy contains lactose, a sugar, while butter lacks it. Additionally, certain proteins in dairy can cause inflammation, similar to gluten.

It's vital to listen to your body and identify any sensitivities. For instance, some individuals might be allergic to eggs, which, though nutritious, can exacerbate symptoms if consumed.

Overcoming Food Sensitivities with the Relief and Transformation Plan

Many who have embraced the Relief and Transformation Eating Plan plan have reported a marked improvement in their food sensitivities and see shifts in symptoms within a few weeks of only being on the Eating Plan. I'd like to share an inspiring story:

One of my clients, who had been strictly on a carnivore diet due to severe intolerances, embraced this plan. After a few months, she gradually reintroduced other foods into her diet. Today, she can enjoy a variety of leafy greens and low-carb veggies without any issues. While she hasn't fully overcome all her symptoms yet (fully treating the underlying infections using supplements and medications is necessary for most for full recovery), she has made significant progress, especially considering her prolonged struggle of 25+ years with CFS.

Implementing the Relief and Transformation eating strategy can usher in noticeable changes. For many, the results have been astounding. I recently received an uplifting email from a student who, after only a few weeks on the plan, can now walk for an impressive 1.5 miles in an hour. Before this, a mere 20-minute walk would leave her exhausted and cause Post Exertional Malaise. She's even optimistic about overcoming her tinnitus and following her dreams of dancing again. I genuinely share her excitement and look forward to further wins as she progresses deeper into the program.

Celebrating Small Wins and Looking Ahead

Each success story, whether big or small, is important to highlight and focus on. Every tiny step forward signifies potential leaps in the future. These little improvements, celebrated and accumulated, can eventually lead to individuals achieving their dream outcomes - be it running marathons, playing with their children, or exploring the world.

The Relief and Transformation community is a testament to this belief. The stories I hear, and the emails I receive, all reflect the potential and hope this approach brings to its followers.

I encourage you if you find a moment of success with this plan and to share it. Be it an email, a YouTube comment, or an Instagram post - every shared experience fosters hope and offers proof that recovery is attainable.

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.

Lorrie's interview with Dr. Boon Lim: POTS and Polyvagal Theory (Mind/Body) for Long Covid and ME/CFS

Interview with Dr. Boon Lim: POTS and Polyvagal Theory (Mind/Body) for Long Covid and ME/CFS

Dr. Boon Lim is a cardiologist and expert in the field of heart rhythm disorders. He's been a pioneer in understanding and addressing the cardiovascular implications of Long COVID, which can often be applied to ME/CFS as well.

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Make sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest discoveries and approaches for Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.

Full recovery is possible! Get on the waiting list for the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation. For powerful passive training of the nervous system based on Polyvagal Theory, check out the Safe and Sound Protocol.

Dr. Boon Lim’s Journey

Dr. Lim became interested in cardiovascular studies at Imperial College, where he researched the role of the autonomic nervous system in relation to cardiac arrhythmia. Though his work initially focused on different conditions, his journey eventually led him to explore autonomic dysfunction syndromes, primarily POTS, which many people with Long Covid and ME/CFS experience.

Through his Ph.D. and further studies, Dr. Lim grew fascinated with the neural network. He is a heart math coach where he uses techniques to monitor and improve heart rate variability. His background in practices like Tai Chi and understanding of breath regulation allow him to visualize and shift the state of the autonomic nervous system.

His professional experiences, combined with the COVID pandemic and his role in the Imperial Syncope Unit at Imperial College London, made him recognize the patterns in Long COVID patients presenting with autonomic dysfunction.

Understanding Dysautonomia

According to Dr. Lim, Dysautonomia means the autonomic nervous system is dysfunctional. The nervous system is a basic part of our brain and is responsible for maintaining things we don't consciously control, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature. When this system is dysfunctional, it can no longer maintain these homeostatic mechanisms. One common autonomic systems includes the immune system, which is strongly influenced by the autonomic nervous system.

Chronic stress, for instance, can depress the immune system. Conditions that can be strongly linked to stress levels and the functioning of the autonomic nervous system are:

As well as Long Covid and ME/CFS

The Pathogenesis of ME/CFS

It's noteworthy to observe that, in the majority of ME/CFS diagnoses, a considerable number are post-viral in nature. However, it's equally essential to recognize that not all cases trace back to a viral onset.

  • Some gradually manifest over a prolonged period,

  • While others might emerge in the aftermath of a deeply traumatic event.

Such varied origins underscore the pressing need to delve deeper into understanding the multifaceted stressors at play. By doing so, we can gain a clearer picture of how these stressors, whether they be physical, emotional, or environmental, exert their influence and shape the trajectory of our health and well-being.

The Polyvagal Theory

Dr. Lim also expounded on the polyvagal theory, suggesting our autonomic nervous system comprises three components instead of two.

These three components are:

  • rest/digest (healing mode)

  • fight/flight

  • freeze

With increased stress, individuals often become more efficient, working at an optimal level, before reaching a plateau. However, at this plateau, people often function in an adrenaline state, which can be draining and detrimental in the long run.

Understanding Autonomic Responses and Trauma

Our understanding of how trauma and stress affect our nervous system has evolved significantly in recent years. Looking deeper into the nuances of the autonomic responses can provide invaluable insights for anyone who's ever felt 'on edge' or like they've 'fallen off a cliff' after an unexpected event or prolonged stress.

The Multifaceted Nature of Stress and Its Impact

It's a common misconception that a sudden traumatic event, akin to a stick being thrown into the spokes of a wheel, is what makes us lose our footing in life. However, even before something as disruptive as COVID, many individuals experience an overwhelming response to situations like moving house, loss of childcare, or other seemingly "smaller" stressors.

It's intriguing to observe that not just a virus, but any traumatic event—be it relationship strains, job losses, or school bullying—can trigger a substantial response. People tend to fixate on these singular traumatic moments, often overlooking the accumulated stress from daily life challenges.

  • Juggling between kids

  • A job

  • Managing bills

  • The increasing costs of living,

All contribute to tweaking our autonomic nervous system. This prolonged stress nudges us towards an unhealthy fright or flight mode, and when we're pushed over the edge, our body goes into the 'freeze' mode.

Our response stems from our engagement with the dorsal vagus, an aspect of our vagus nerve. When activated, we enter a frozen state, which is starkly different from the rejuvenated state after a good night's sleep. This 'frozen' state isn't conducive to meaningful life engagement.

The Components of Polyvagal Theory

The Polyvagal theory gives us a unique perspective in understanding human neurophysiological reactions and offers profound insights into the way our bodies respond to stimuli and stressors. This theory illuminates a spectrum of our autonomic responses, allowing us to pinpoint where we stand in this intricate web. By recognizing our position —from the heightened, reactive sympathetic frozen mode (dorsal vagus) or the better known fight/flight sympathetic mode, to the more soothing, recovery-oriented ventral vagus. In ventral vagus (rest/digest), we're better equipped to interpret our emotions, behaviors, and physiological reactions. With this nuanced understanding, we can empower ourselves to navigate our emotional and physical reactions more effectively, promoting better well-being and self-awareness.

Recognizing and Navigating Your Autonomic State

When we're in the dorsal vagal state or 'frozen' mode, we may neglect our needs. However, understanding and awareness form the cornerstone of the healing process. As we transition from this unhelpful state to the ventral vagus, we become more responsive, enabling better decision-making and self-healing actions.

The Importance of Being Aware and Engaging

Being deeply aware of our internal responses is crucial to our well-being. The dorsal state, although occasionally essential for navigating particular scenarios, gains importance not just by its mere presence, but by the degree to which it manifests and the length of time it persists. Recognizing and understanding this nuanced distinction can be transformative for our overall well-being. The book Anchored by Deborah A. Dana expounds so well on the importance of being aware.

The Importance of Connection

The information available about autonomic responses and the intricate nuances of the Polyvagal theory is not only enlightening but also profoundly transformative. For individuals who find themselves grappling with symptoms related to these physiological responses, it is so important to actively seek both support and in-depth knowledge to truly understand what's occurring within. 

As we draw this discussion to a close, the primary message we want to resonate with is the absolute necessity for heightened awareness, forging genuine connections, and cultivating acute responsiveness to the intricate needs of our bodies. The journey of healing is deeply intertwined with the act of listening - not just hearing, but truly tuning into ourselves and our bodies. Allowing an introspective approach is, without a doubt, the most effective path toward recovery and well-being.

For powerful passive training of the nervous system based on Polyvagal Theory, check out the Safe and Sound Protocol.

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.

Is Your Skincare Routine Messing with Your Health?

Make sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest discoveries and approaches for Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.
Full recovery is possible!  Get on the waiting list for the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation.

Let's chat about how your skincare might be more connected to your well-being than you realize, especially if you're dealing with chronic health issues.

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Retinoids: What You Need to Know

Retinoids – those buzzworthy skincare superheroes like Tretinoin and Retin-A. They're the VIPs of the skincare world, known for their impressive vitamin A lineage. Tretinoin and Retin-A are like the cool kids who need a prescription for you to hang out with them. But fear not, there's a retinoid squad available over-the-counter – retinols! These pals are famous for fighting acne, brightening up your skin tone, and even tackling those pesky fine lines. They're basically your skincare sidekicks.

A Little Caution for Our Chronic Illness Warriors

But hold up! If you're dealing with a chronic health issue, it's time to hit the pause button. Whether you've conquered your health battles or are still in the midst of the fight, retinoids might not be your best buddies just yet. They can be heavy on your liver, which is like your body's backstage manager. We definitely want to treat our backstage crew with care, right?

I personally realized that retinoids were problematic for me. You can hear more in my latest podcast.

We're going to go into some safe and healthy alternatives to retinoids in just a bit, but first, let's talk about some other culprits to watch out for.

Navigating the Land of Clean Skincare

First up, parabens – they're like the preservatives that party a bit too hard and mess with your hormone harmony. Not cool, right? Then there are sulfates, which often sneak into your cleansers. These can dry out your skin and cause problems too.

The Scent and Dye Dilemma

Fragrances and dyes are the tricky twins of skincare. If you've got chronic issues, not only can fragrances and dyes be bad for your skin, but also remember that your skin absorbs, so they can be affecting you at deeper levels too.

Exploring New Paths: Skincare Beyond Retinoids

Don't despair, because there's a whole world of skincare out there beyond retinoids, parabens, and other problematic ingredients. Bakuchiol is a natural alternative that's like the retinoid's cool cousin. It's derived from plants and might just be the answer you've been looking for. There are some promising brands out there that use Bakuchiol, including Dr. Sam's Brightly Serum.

Methylene Blue: A New Player in Town

Let's shine the spotlight on methylene blue – the new kid on the skincare block. It has antioxidant properties and functions as a cool multitasker, shielding you from harsh rays and keeping fine lines at bay. Imagine it as the superhero cape your skin didn't know it needed.

Note about Methylene Blue: It's literally a dye, so make sure not to get it on anything because it will stain it!

DIY Magic: Crafting Your Own Skincare

So, you're feeling adventurous and want to whip up your own skincare potion? I got you covered!

  • Grab a two-ounce jar and throw in some aloe vera gel.

  • Next, sprinkle in a teaspoon of ascorbic acid (that's fancy talk for vitamin C).

  • Now, for the grand finale, add just a teeny drop of methylene blue (make sure to use something you can throw away to mix). Mix it all up, and voilà – you've got your very own elixir of radiance!

As long as you don't put too much methylene blue in your mixture, your skin might have a blue tinge to it but it won't dye it.

Meet the Clean Skincare Crew

A few of our favorite brands of clean skincare:

  • Drunk Elephant

  • Summer Fridays

  • And Ren Clean Skincare.

These brands are all about clean, healthy vibes, and they're ready to level up your skincare game.

Skincare Isn't Only Skin Deep

Remember that your skincare journey is more than skin-deep. It's about harmony, well-being, and feeling your absolute best. Of course, make sure to drink plenty of water, get healthy Vitamin D, and all the other things we talk about in the Holistic Healing with Lorrie Blog to keep yourself healthy and happy!

Lorrie's interview with Dr. Been: Long Covid Research and Tips

Make sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest discoveries and approaches for Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.
Full recovery is possible!  Get on the waiting list for the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation.

Dynamic Background with Ticked List

Who is Dr. Syed Mobeen?

Dr. Mobeen Syed is a renowned physician and educator who has been at the forefront of understanding and addressing the complexities of long COVID. In this blog post, we'll explore the challenges and breakthroughs in managing Long Covid symptoms and emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to healing. You'll learn some actions you can take to prevent getting Covid again and a great practice to alleviate brain fog.

You might know him as "Dr. Been" from his widely known YouTube channel. After graduating from King Edward Medical School in 1994 and practicing clinical medicine for a few years, he ventured into computer science. His goal was to merge innovative technologies with healthcare. He later established a company that aims to create a managed marketplace for medical providers, empowering them to merge medicine with new technologies.

Long COVID Research

Dr. Mobeen's initial interest in long COVID research was not planned. It began in early 2020 when the pandemic emerged. Misinformation was rife, prompting him to correct misconceptions via a series of articles. This developed into a larger project aimed at educating the public.

His observations indicated that many long COVID patients were not receiving the attention and care they required. Many displayed symptoms months after the initial COVID infection, leading some medical professionals to dismiss them as merely psychosomatic. This motivated Dr. Been to delve deeper into Long COVID, hoping to provide useful insights for both patients and their healthcare providers.

Symptoms and Similarities Between ME/CFS and Long COVID

The overlap in symptoms between ME/CFS and long COVID is significant. Both conditions present with fatigue, post-exertional malaise, neurological issues, muscle pain, and a host of other symptoms. However, there is a distinct difference in their pathophysiology. Dr. Been stipulates that Long COVID patients tend to show recovery signs over time, while many ME/CFS patients remain chronically ill for extended periods. (I personally have more thoughts on this that I'll expound upon in future blog entries.)

Navigating New Variants and Protective Measures

There are always newer strains of COVID emerging, so it's important to keep up to date with how they present, for example, a more recent strain has a "pink eye" symptom which means a Covid diagnosis is more likely to be missed.

Vaccinations provide a layer of defense, but some individuals, including Dr. Been, have contracted the virus post-vaccination. One effective preventive measure that has been beneficial for him is the use of an iodine nasal spray, which significantly reduces the risk of contracting the virus during exposures.

The Promise of Iodine Nasal Spray

Dr. Been strongly emphasized the potential protection derived from using an Iodine nasal spray. He shared his personal experience, highlighting its effectiveness in shielding him from infections. However, it's important to remember that while the Iodine nasal spray might be beneficial, one must still be cautious. Those with thyroid concerns should consult with a doctor before using iodine products.

Moreover, incorrect dilution can lead to nasal irritation or even injury. For instance, a too-concentrated homemade spray with 10% dilution can lead to severe burning. It's often recommended to procure a tried-and-tested product from reputable sources, avoiding potential complications. This is a brand that fits all the criteria.

Decoy Cells: A Fascinating Defense Mechanism

An incredibly compelling segment of my discussion with Dr. Been was about our body's anterior nasal cavities. These cavities are home to what scientists label "decoy cells". To visualize, imagine a large, primary nasal cell creating a smaller, baby-like version of itself. The catch? This smaller cell isn't fully functional, lacking crucial parts such as a nucleus. However, its external composition matches the primary cell, including all vital receptors.

When a virus, say the COVID-19 virus, lands in our nose, our body releases millions of these decoy cells. The virus, mistaking these cells for the real deal, attempts to infect them, only to get trapped since these decoy cells lack the necessary machinery for the virus to replicate. It's nature's trap!

However, these decoy cells have an Achilles heel. Cold temperatures, even short exposures of around 8 to 10 minutes, can wipe out 50% of these cells and hinder their production by up to 75%. This phenomenon can leave individuals, especially those with long COVID or ME/CFS, vulnerable to infections.

A suggested countermeasure, particularly for those residing in colder climates, is to keep the nose warm. Simple measures like wearing a muffler can help maintain a stable temperature, shielding the nasal cavity from abrupt temperature changes.

Brain Health and Infections

Shifting gears to more intensive research, particularly in the context of the recent global pandemic, so many comprehensive studies are emerging that shed light on the long-term implications of SARS-COV-2 infections. One of the most captivating aspects of these studies revolves around the discovery of the lingering presence of spike proteins in the bone marrow of the skull. Intriguingly, this persistence is noted long after the primary infection has seemingly vanished from the body.

One of the most captivating aspects of these studies revolves around the discovery of the lingering presence of spike proteins in the bone marrow of the skull.

This discovery isn't just a minor footnote in the annals of medical research. It suggests a potential pathway that allows the virus, through these residual spike proteins, to find its way to the meninges of the brain. The meninges is a critical protective barrier that could then be compromised, allowing the virus to cross the blood-brain barrier. Once this threshold is breached, the potential for widespread neural impact, including the tragic eventuality of brain cell death, becomes a dreaded reality.

While these insights might be scary, they provide invaluable knowledge. They offer a broader understanding of the repercussions of the virus, especially when trying to decode the symptoms that have come to be associated with long COVID. The term "long COVID" itself has become a focal point for many in the medical community. As patients worldwide report symptoms persisting far beyond the typical recovery period. As we piece together this puzzle, it's evident that these neurological impacts could be a significant piece of the story.

Make sure to keep an eye out for upcoming blog and podcast about how to address spike proteins using Augmented NAC. Use the Code: W2FFBD32 at checkout.

It's crucial to remember that with every scientific revelation, our understanding of this virus and its impacts evolves. While the picture painted by these findings might be unsettling, it also arms us with the knowledge we need to tackle the challenges ahead. Both in terms of treatment and preventive strategies. The world of medical research is ever-evolving, and with dedicated researchers and industry professionals like Dr, Been, we can be hopeful that more answers will be provided and, eventually, solutions.

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.

Embracing The Wisdom of Your Body for Holistic Healing

Make sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest discoveries and approaches for Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.
Full recovery is possible!  Get on the waiting list for the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation

Our bodies have a specific order of healing based on prioritizing survival, so healing doesn't always happen in the way we expect it to! Read on to find out more information about the different steps the body takes to heal and some practical tips to support your healing.

Table Of Contents




This particular episode was inspired by one of my amazing Relief and Transformation Recovering from Long COVID and ME/CFS students. She's had ME/CFS for 25-plus years and has endured a lot of pain that whole time. That's in addition to all of the crazy things that come along with ME/CFS, like the bone-crushing fatigue, the brain fog, the post-exertional malaise, and some other things that she specifically experiences.

She's seen wonderful shifts in her pain and inflammation levels in the Relief & Transformation course so far and also in her emotional health as well.

In fact, everybody in the course has commented about how she's now smiling and laughing when she never had in classes before. Overall, she's feeling better.

But her energy levels and her overall activity levels have gone down considerably. What the heck? Is she getting better or is she getting worse? She's feeling better overall, but energy and activity just haven't been there. Let's get into it.

Understanding the Order of Healing: Optimal Blueprint

Our bodies are marvelously intelligent. They possess this innate wisdom that knows precisely how to heal itself. I call it our ‘Optimal Blueprint’ that we're just born with. And this is from the tiniest scrape to chronic conditions like long COVID, like ME/CFS. The big question is, "what is this order of healing?" And how can we understand it so we can recognize when the healing is happening and know that we are actually moving in the right direction? Let's take a closer look.

Recognition Phase

The first phase of this healing process in the body is recognition. This is when our body identifies an injury or an imbalance, invaders or pathogens. Then, that triggers a series of chemical messengers that signal the immune system to take action. It's calling up arms, really, to protect.

Inflammation Phase and Hidden Infections

Then we have the inflammation dance, and even though it might sound counterintuitive, inflammation, when it is occurring the way that it should be occurring, is a natural response that actually helps our body to clean up and prepare where it's going to be healing. It's like inflammation is the cleanup crew that paves the way for the next stage. Now, the thing is that in chronic illnesses like Long Covid, ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Lyme, MS, etc., the body gets stuck in the recognition phase. Remember, the recognition phase is the immune system trying to locate and fight off the root cause of the illness, which is, by the way, hidden infections. I'm going to be talking about that in just a bit here.

The body also gets stuck in the inflammation phase. That's because it's constantly trying to heal the havoc that the hidden infections are wreaking on the body. It's also stuck in the inflammation phase because the hidden infections are continuing to proliferate.

Role of Hidden Infections

What I've found over years and years of coaching and teaching my Relief and Transformation: Recovering From Long COVID and ME/CFS online course is that the root cause of all these chronic illnesses is a combination of parasites, fungus, candida, and other pathogens like Lyme, mold, and other things. The thing is that these are hidden infections. There here are tests for these hidden infections, but they are inaccurate so often. I can't even tell you how many times I've had a new student say, “Hey, I've had all the stool tests, and the parasite tests, and the Lyme tests, and all the tests" and they've all come back negative, and I don't think I have any parasites or anything else.

After a week or two of being on the Relief and Transformation Eating Plan, or starting actual treatment, some students will send me an email saying, “Oh my gosh, I just passed a worm." Or lots of worms, even.

Not only are there not great tests to see if you have these issues, but the symptoms are all over the place from person to person and from body system to body system. It is really difficult to put this into the whole picture and to be able to see it clearly unless you are looking at it from this point of view of the hidden infections.

Treating Hidden Infections

If a person comes to me with chronic issues, then I immediately assume that there are gonna be these pathogens involved. I have not been wrong yet. Basically, in order for the body to start to heal and to get out of this constant cycle of being stuck in the recognition and inflammation phases, we have to actually get rid of the parasites and the fungus, and the other pathogens. This brings down the number of bad microbes. Then we start to bring up the number of good microbes so that the body can regain its balance.

Challenges of Treating Hidden Infections

Killing off those pathogens is quite a lot for the body, especially if it's already compromised. While you're treating the pathogens, a lot of energy goes into killing the pathogens and dealing with the toxins that they release as well, because those need to be flushed out of the body. Quite a lot of toxins get released as you're treating. Because of this, a lot of people feel even more tired while they are treating for parasites, fungus, and other microbes. It certainly happened for me and it happens for most of my students as well.

Rebuilding and Regeneration

Now the good news is that as the scales begin to tip and you have fewer of the bad microbes and more of the good microbes and fewer toxins in the body, the body is able to start to move into the next phase of healing. This is where our body starts rebuilding and regenerating the damaged tissues.

Now, just a caveat here: This is not a linear process.

You're not in either immune or inflammation or healing the tissues. Sometimes you're in several at once, and sometimes you move back a step. Meaning, sometimes the body moves back to a previous phase. As you probably know and have experienced, this healing process is not linear. It has dips, it has peaks and valleys, but overall the trajectory is up when you deal with the underlying causes of parasites, fungus, and other pathogens.

So once that balance has shifted and the bad microbes are not as prolific and the good microbes start to inch up again, the body starts to focus on rebuilding and healing the damage that has been caused by the pathogens and by the toxins that they have released.

And guess what? The process of healing the tissues, meaning organs, cells, etc., that takes a lot of energy too. You might still feel worn out during this part of the healing process.

The reason that it happens in this order is because of that bodily wisdom - that inherent blueprint. The body is attending to your survival first and foremost. That's why the immune system kicks in first and then the inflammation is like that medical crew that takes care of getting things ready for the healing stage, which is necessary before the body can focus on creating more energy.

Practical Tips to Support Healing:


Let's talk now about some practical tips to support your body's wisdom. The first one is what I call "Beditations". I always start off all my students and clients with this very easy win. These "Beditations" are a twice daily practice of lying down in a dark room with no interruptions for 30 minutes or more with your eyes closed, practicing radical rest. This means you're not listening to podcasts, you're not looking at your phone, you're not scrolling through social media. You can certainly do something like yoga nidra or a guided meditation or listen to soothing music. Or you can just take a nap if that works for you. What I find is that this simple practice of doing these twice a day for 30 minutes or more makes a huge difference for a ton of people.

They find that this simple practice increases their overall energy envelope

for the day and sometimes for the week, which is very helpful as we all know.


The next thing that we do in the Relief and Transformation Course is the Eating Plan. This means providing your body with the best nutrients that it can get for the healing process, and at the same time not feeding the pathogens as much as possible. The pathogens consume sugar. Any type of carbohydrate that you put in your body is going to feed them. Not only that, but if you eat too much protein in one sitting, then that will actually turn into sugar in the body and feed the pathogens as well. The Relief and Transformation eating plan includes eating s a lot of healthy fat, a lot of healthy animal protein and low carb veggies.

Rest and Sleep

You might need to sleep for 10 hours a day or more, and that's okay because that is when your body is healing.

Then, of course, rest and sleep. This is allowing your body so much good time to rest and recover. I find that especially if you're in phase one or two of Healing (see the PHASES OF HEALING QUIZ), you might need to sleep for 10 hours a day or more, and that's okay because that is when your body is healing. You do want to make sure that you are able to regulate your sleep. If you're not able to, I do have a couple of resources for you in that area that might be able to help you out.

Good Feeling Words Meditation | For Sleep | For Active Meditation

RESTORATIVE YOGA FOR EXTREME FATIGUE with Rachel Talan (Sleepy Santosha)

Long Covid and ME/CFS Sleep Issues

Filtered Water

Of course, as we all know, you want to drink a lot of good quality water. You want to make sure that this is filtered water. You might think about adding some deep ocean mineral drops to the water and taking extra electrolytes to keep them balanced in your body.

Minimize Stress

Stress can disrupt the body's natural healing process. It can also encourage the bad microbes and discourage the good microbes. Incorporate relaxation techniques like meditation or very simple yoga - one pose every 30 minutes, for example, depending on which phase of healing you are in. Sitting outside in nature is a simple way to reduce stress.

Have a Routine

Another thing that's helpful is to have a structure for yourself. What that means is waking up at the same time each day and knowing exactly what the first two or three things that you're going to be doing right after you wake up are, and doing those. Get morning sun. Go to sleep at the same time each day. This structure for yourself helps to lower stress levels when you're dealing with all of these unknowns in your body and in the world around you.


Our bodies know what to do. By understanding that premise and knowing a little bit more about the process that's happening for our bodies when we're healing, we can support that natural healing process and move through it with these chronic illnesses with more ease and understanding. Remember that we're not just passive spectators on our healing journey. Nobody's going to do it for us. You are in charge of your own health and wellness. There are people out there who can help you.

If you'd like to know more about joining us in the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course or the Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program, go HERE:

Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program

Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course

“Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation

Take The Phases of Recovery Quiz!

In order to start your healing journey, you want to be clear about where you are right now. Discover whether you're in Phase 1, 2, 3, or 4 of your health journey with Long Covid and/or ME/CFS and get recommendations.

Take The Quiz HERE

Holistic Healing for Long Covid and ME/CFS/FM

Make sure to subscribe to keep up with the latest discoveries and approaches for Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.
Full recovery is possible!  Get on the waiting list for the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation


Welcome to Holistic Healing with Lorrie - Blog Overview

Hey there, I'm Lorrie Rivers, creator of the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS online coaching course and of the Long Covid and ME/CFS Holistic Healing Summit. I have been on quite the healing journey through my life and love sharing what works (and what doesn't work!) with you. Get ready to dive into the world of holistic healing with the Holistic Healing with Lorrie Blog.

Unveiling Strategies to Tackle Long Covid, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia

If you're dealing with Long Covid, ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) or fibromyalgia, you're in the right place. I've been through the trenches myself, and I've got some seriously effective strategies to help you out, including how to address the Root Cause of all these illnesses.

Join me as I spill the beans on the techniques that have worked wonders for both me and countless others.

Fresh Insights and Discoveries

I'm on a mission to keep you in the loop with the latest and greatest in the world of holistic healing and new information on Long Covid and ME/CFS/FM. That means interviews with top-notch doctors, coaches, and experts. Trust me, we're diving deep and coming back up with golden nuggets of knowledge that can truly transform your health journey.

I Want to Hear From You!

Got a topic you want to know more about? Have a burning question you need answers to? Don't be shy! Your thoughts and comments drive the direction of this blog. Oh, and I've got something special up my sleeve – inspiring recovery stories that'll give you a serious boost of hope.

Email me any specific guests you'd like me to interview and topics you'd like to hear about:

My Healing Odyssey: Navigating Health Challenges

Just like you, I've faced some tough times (yowza, have I!). In my twenties, I battled severe ME/CFS for a whopping eight years. But guess what? It took time but I fully recovered and came out stronger. My journey didn't stop there. I found myself coaching others in the same boat. Energy healing using Trilogy and tapping, emotional wellness techniques, health coaching, nutrition insights, and pacing techniques became my secret weapons.

Unraveling the Long COVID Mystery

Fast forward to today, and I'm still in the game, helping folks with ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. Then boom, enter Long COVID. The pandemic threw us all for a loop, and I found myself facing a new challenge. But guess what? My experience with ME/CFS gave me a head start on tackling Long COVID. I'm sharing how I did it and how you can too.

Your Healing Path: A Friendly Heads-Up

There's no magic wand or quick fixes here. Everyone's journey is different, and it takes dedication and time.

To be honest, it might be a bit rocky for awhile.

But trust me, the destination – a healthier, happier you – is totally worth it.

A Revelation that Changed Everything

I'd been dealing with what I came to call weather dependent fibromyalgia for my whole life. This meant that I had what I call my "Wonder Woman" days when I had unlimited energy and could keep going forever. On "weather days" or "Couch Days", I oftentimes couldn't get up off the sofa, dealt with a lot of brain fog and a lot of pain. I tried *everything* (I thought) to change this life-long condition.

A few years ago I finally discovered what the Root Cause of my fibromyalgia was and started treating it. Today, I can confidently share that I am 100% healed of formerly life-long fibromyalgia. Not only that, but the same Root Cause and treatment that I used to treat my fibromyalgia is now helping my students to heal from Long Covid, ME/CFS, FM, and other chronic illnesses.

Your Personal Path to Holistic Healing

This blog is your treasure trove for cracking the code on chronic illnesses and their sneaky triggers. We're diving headfirst into those root causes and unearthing effective ways to deal with them in addition to sharing holistic tools in the areas of emotional health, mindset, nervous system health, meditation, physical movement (when appropriate), energy healing, nutrition, and more. The healing journey you're on is truly best approached in a holistic way and that's what you'll find in this blog.

Do you have a chronic illness(es) and haven't been able to heal? 🤔 Take this quiz to figure out what Hidden Infections are at the root of your issues!

Take the Quiz HERE