Where to start on your Long Covid/ME/CFS and fatigue recovery journey

Today's topic is especially close to my heart as I know firsthand the struggle of starting a healing journey amidst the flood of available information and the numerous aspects that need to be addressed for a complete recovery.

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Full recovery is possible! Get on the waiting list for the Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course. You can also be part of our Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program or schedule a “Best Next Step” Health Strategy Consultation.

Things to Consider as You Heal.

Beginning your healing journey when you have a chronic illness like Long Covid, ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), Fibromyalgia, and other chronic fatigue illnesses can be overwhelming, but it's totally doable. I'm here to simplify it for you, step by step. Let's start with something incredibly simple, something you can begin today. It's a game-changer, and in my experience, one of the most impactful steps in the shortest time. It's the first thing I suggest to all my clients and students.

Are you ready for it? It's what one of my students coined as "Beditations" and the name perfectly encapsulates the practice. Beditations involve dedicating at least 30 minutes twice a day each day to give yourself some radical rest. Picture yourself in a dim/dark room, lying down on your bed, and simply allowing yourself to rest. You can drift off to sleep, follow a guided meditation, listen to calming music, or practice yoga nidra.

The Power of Beditations

Rest, in the context of Beditations, isn't just lying down; it's a carefully orchestrated environment of tranquility. Ensure a peaceful atmosphere—

  • Dim lights, 

  • Quiet

Beditations are NOT

  • scrolling through social

  • playing a game on your phone

  • doing a cross word

  • listening to a podcast

All of these are fine to do, of course, but they're not Radical Rest because they are still engaging your brain more than we want.

Beditations ARE

  • Dark room

  • Lying down - if that's not comfortable to you find a comfy sitting position

  • Quiet - use noise cancelling head set if needed

  • Radical Rest

What you can do during your Beditations

  • guided meditation recording on your phone (Insight Timer is a great option)

  • listen to a yoga nidra (a type of guided meditation)

  • meditate on your own

  • do a breathing practice

  • sleep (if that works for you...if it makes you feel bad when you wake up after taking a nap, limit the nap to 10 minutes or less)

This is crucial to signal your nervous system that it's time to enter a state of rest and recovery. It may take a few attempts, especially if you have a racy mind, but with practice, your body will learn to let go.

Beditations not only regulate your nervous system but also replenish your energy, expanding your daily energy reserves. I can't tell you how many students I've had who have told me they thought they were resting but after doing Beditations, they now get it that they weren't really resting before. And then too, how many have reached out impressed by how this simple practice has increased their energy level in just a few days.

The Drainage Activator

Let's talk about a supplement that is proving to be a game-changer already for many students for their healing —the Drainage Activator by Cellcore. I rarely recommend one particular supplement to all of my students and clients because everyone is so individual, but the Drainage Activator is proving to be the exception because of its remarkable results. Many have reported a positive shift in their symptoms within the first week or two of use.

The Drainage Activator, a supplement I'm genuinely excited about, has become the starting point for about 90% of my students and clients. The reason is clear—the incredible results people are experiencing. It's relatively well-tolerated, even by those with heightened sensitivities (though you still want to go LOW and SLOW!!). Although individual experiences may vary, this supplement has shown so much promise in supporting the body's natural detoxification processes in areas of the body that we've not been able to get to before, namely, the extracellular matrix.

In order to purchase Cellcore products, you need to have a Patient Code because they prefer for people to be working with a qualified practitioner, so to access the Drainage Activator, you can CLICK HERE to register to get your Patient Code from me (Lorrie).

What's the Extracellular Matrix?

Let's start with the extracellular matrix. Picture it as the space between the cells in your body, encompassing vital elements like fascia. Now, we often focus on detoxing specific organs like the liver or the kidneys, but what about this critical space? It's like the backstage of our body where toxins and unwanted substances accumulate without a cleanup crew. That's where the Drainage Activator steps in.

Carbon Technology for Supplement Delivery

What's remarkable about CellCore products, including the Drainage Activator, is their utilization of carbon technology. Considering our bodies are primarily carbon-based, this approach is genius. These supplements aren't confined to the gastrointestinal tract. Instead, they utilize carbon technology to disperse throughout the body, reaching areas that need support. Unlike some other supplements that get neutralized by stomach acids or remain isolated in the intestines, CellCore products truly permeate the entire body.

Tackling Leaky Blood Vessel Syndrome

We are learning that Leaky blood vessel syndrome is a significant concern if you have chronic symptoms. It's not as rare as once believed; in fact, it's quite common among individuals struggling with prolonged health challenges. Similar to leaky gut syndrome, this entails compromised cell walls in your blood vessels, allowing unwanted substances to leak into the extracellular matrix, which also ends up over -axing the lymphatic system.

Which, as you now know, the Drainage Activator helps to clear out! Not only that, but Drainage Activator helps the body repair the cell walls of your blood vessels, so helps your body to heal leaky blood vessel syndrome.

Creating a Comprehensive Healing Program

For complete recovery, my third recommendation is to explore comprehensive healing programs. These programs should encompass a nervous system reset, holistic healing strategies, and a focus on root causes, including addressing pathogens like parasites, fungus, mold, etc., and ensuring effective drainage pathways. A well-rounded program will guide you through a tailored eating plan and provide the emotional support crucial for a successful recovery.

Taking Practical Steps Towards Recovery(Simplifying the Healing Journey)

Now let’s recap the crucial steps needed to kickstart your healing journey, especially if you're dealing with chronic illnesses like long COVID and ME/CFS or any other chronic illness, especially one with post-exertional malaise. It is important to:

  • Step 1: Set aside moments of radical rest. This means what we call Beditations with my students, where you can choose to meditate, listen to soothing music, sleep, or practice yoga nidra. The key is to immerse yourself in relaxation and gently guide your nervous system into a state of calm and healing. To engage your parasympathetic state, it's important to not stimulate your brain with screens or podcasts.

  • Step 2: The CellCore Drainage Activator. This is where I start most of my clients and students. The Drainage Activator supplement targets the extracellular matrix, assisting in draining toxins, parasites, and unwanted substances from between your cells and fascia. What's exceptional about CellCore products is their ingenious use of carbon technology, ensuring the supplements disperse throughout your body instead of being confined to the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Step 3: Choose the Right Program for You. Depending on where you are in your healing journey, selecting the appropriate program is crucial. If you're looking for comprehensive guidance, including a personalized treatment plan that we create together, hand holding, and a supportive community, my Relief & Transformation: Recovering from Long Covid and ME/CFS course is the perfect fit. However, if you're not yet ready for a comprehensive course, exploring the Membership: Managing Long Covid and ME/CFS program is an excellent step forward as well. Both are designed with limited energy and brain power in mind. The key is finding a program that aligns with your pace, energy levels, and specific needs.

Commit and Stay the Course

Remember, whatever path you choose, commitment is key. Shifting from one program to another too quickly can hinder your progress ("shiny object syndrome" anyone?. Dedicate yourself to one approach, giving it ample time to show its effectiveness. Only consider a change if you've given it a fair chance and it's not aligning with your recovery goals.

Also, keep in mind that a full recovery takes TIME and perseverance.

I hope these steps provide you with a tangible starting point on your healing journey. Share these insights with anyone you believe could benefit from them. Remember, recovery is possible when we take consistent, informed steps toward healing. Stay committed, stay hopeful, and keep moving forward on your path to wellness. You've got this!

DISCLAIMER: The information offered is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care or advice. Consult your physician or other health care provider regarding your symptoms and medical and psychological needs.