Your October Guided Code with Lorrie

Join me for your Guided Healing Code for October.  We'll do it together, just follow along!

Remember that Healing Codes are more powerful and effective when they are customized to you personally.  You can find out how to get personal sessions with Lorrie.  

Make sure to check out all the latest blog entries, too…soooo much good stuff in those!

The Power of Non-Habitual Movement


We went to a friend’s concert a few weeks ago (they’re awesome, btw, you should check them out…Chatham County Line). It was outside at a local Greenway, lots of families, lots of kids running around, we had a great time. One of the best things about it was watching the kids dance!! They were movin around, jumping up and down, running this way and that, takin off their clothes (love that about little kids!) and just having a BLAST moving to the sound of the music! And they didn’t care what it looked like (especially the younger ones). They were just moving for the joy of it.

Moving our bodies is so important. Not just to develop muscles and keep in shape (which is good too;), but because it gets us out of our head! And when we try new movements and just LET GO of trying to do it “right”, we actually create new neural pathways. It does even more than that…it loosens up the energy in the body and mind, it allows new possibilities in, it gets you used to letting go of set patterns. It really SHAKES IT ALL LOOSE!!!

This is a great example of non-habitual movement. The Omelette Dance! We love Modern Family…

When I was younger, my brother and I did a morning dance every morning (well, we weren’t THAT young…it was not too long ago!). We just got silly and danced around in weird ways. It felt so good! These days, my honey and I have a dance party every morning for 5 minutes. I put on different kinds of music each day and we just mooooove to it. We have so much fun!!! I purposely do things sometimes that look goofy or weird or uncoordinated.

I like doing it in the morning because it gets me energized and excited for the day. It has a way of cranking up a childlike enthusiasm that makes me ready to go and jump into life.

Try it out! Put on some music and just run around, jump up and down, crawl, make faces, act like a monkey, try out some sweet dance moves…whatever gets you moving. And if you’re tired or have a physical disability, do some facial ballet. Or finger dancing. Whatever works, just get that energy going!

Oh yeah, when I was looking for Luke’s Omelette Dance, I ran across these guys who made up their OWN Omelette Dance years before the Modern Family episode…awesomeness!!

What does YOUR omelette dance look like?

One Minute Resistance Buster

So many fun things to write about to you!  But limited time!  So...right now...I give you a quickie;)

One Minute Resistance Buster.  Do you perhaps have a task or two that you just really don't want to do??  I never do.  Ha!  Totally not true.  

Flash back to grade school, inertia is  "a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line."  If it's in's going to be more likely to stay its state of rest. If it's's gonna be more likely to keep moving.  Surprise, surprise, this applies to actions as well.  If you've been putting something off, there's gonna be a lot of resistance around it and it's going to make it harder to actually DO it.  Good news is there is a fun, easy experiment you can do to possibly overcome that inertia and send it in the direction you want!  

Are you ready to have your mind blown?!?  Here it is.  

Set a timer for ONE MINUTE and do whatever it is you've been having resistance to.  For one minute.  Many times, you'll find that once you've started the action, it's easier to keep going with it.  You might even want to continue!  Whaaaat??  Yeah.  Super easy!  

And remember...even if you are putting off a task or project, or...whatever...that's okay!  It's always perfect timing. Be kind to yourself and let it be okay.  

Yummy Love Your Body Meditation

*If you want to get right down to it, scroll to the bottom of the post for the recordings*


So much of our experience here in this realm is related to our BODIES.  At the same time, so many spiritual teachings neglect the body.  Dating to waaaaay back, there are many teachings that the body, the physical, should be ignored or even rejected.  

And I say...*back up!*  Reassess.  Not only are these bodies assets, they are to be enjoyed (more yumminess on that in other posts).  They are to be...well...emBODY-ed.  That means developing a loving, feeling, symbiotic relationship with your body.  And I can tell you from serious experience that until you really accept and get into your body, you're going limit your expansion.  On all levels.  You and your spirit...essence...soul...higher self...source...god..."Big 'S' Self" (a friend of mine and I made that one up and it makes us laugh every time)...whatever you want to call it...are not separate from your body.  Source is flowing through your body at all times.  Your body IS source.  Which is not only a really beautiful thing, but also a really good thing.  Because that means you don't have to remind your heart to beat.  Or remind yourself to inhale and exhale.  You don't have to prod your liver to work.  You don't have to remind your stomach to digest. may have had some...not-so-good-feeling experiences with your body.  Anyone, anyone?  I say this in jest, cuz, well, yeah...we all have!  I'm happy to share my own experience, many of you are familiar with it (you can take a look at it here).  And I find that lots of times when we experience negative feelings we can disassociate from our bodies.  Whether those feelings are physical or emotional...well, we want OUT.  Which is totally understandable!  We just...disconnect.

We set up this experience perfectly before we came here.  We wanted to have bodies.  We wanted to be deeply connected with them.  Because we wanted to have a way to *know* how we feel about things.  We wanted a way to know when we are on track with our truth, with our desires, with our knowing...and when we're off track.  Other reasons too and we'll get into those at another time;)  

When you can FEEL your body...when you can FEEL your feelings in your are so much more able to shift those feelings (physical and emotional) and to let them move through.  In fact, they will move on their own when you allow yourself to be with them!  If you try to ignore them or change them right away, you're doing yourself a disservice.  Because those feelings are there for a reason.  

Before we get down to it, I'll give you some backstory about this particular Living From Inspiration Meditation.  It's a super duper sweet story and one of my favorites, because it involves my gorgeous nieces.  

A few years ago, I was staying with my brother and his family in Albuquerque, NM.  They have this beauuuutiful big house with a casita in the back.  Every morning, I wake up and do my meditation, workout and then go to the main house and have breakfast with the family and always sit next to, you guessed it, my lovely niece, "A".  She's about 3 or 4 at this point (I'm so bad with ages, but I'm pretty sure).  So sweet, so beautiful.  I sit down on a bar stool/breakfast stool and help her up to the bar stool/breakfast stool next to me.  And she puts her sweet hand on my arm and says...

"Auntie Lala...I love your eyes...and I love your face...and I love your arms...and I love your legs...and I love your shoulders...and I love your hair...and I love your shirt...and I love your nose...and I love your fingers.........."

And she keeps going on.  And on.  And on.  For about 3 minutes straight.  Which is a looooong time for a 3-4 year old.  Just loving, loving, loving everything about me.  And oh!  I try to interrupt!  And say "I love your face...and your arms...and your legs..." She will have none of it.  She just keeps going...and going.  My only choice is to sit...and let it all in.  Which I finally do.  

It was so sweet.  So much love.  And I have never forgotten it.  *That* is how we can feel at all times.  Because Source is always flowing all that love to every single part of us.  

This meditation will help you get connected to your body and establish a loving relationship with it.  The first recording goes through instructions.  The second recording is the actual meditation.

In the instructions, you'll learn that as you're going through the meditation, if when you get to a certain body part you notice any pain, tightness, or resistance of any kind, pause the recording and take some time to just BE with the sensation.  Without trying to figure it out, without judging...just be with it.  Embrace it.  And when you're ready, start the recording again and keep going.  

So get comfortable, close your eyes, and melt into this. 

What is the Little Golden Thread? — Living From Inspiration

I've been studying this path - practicing it, really - for many years now.  And I love it.  I love every single moment of it (well, I do *now*;).  And now I don't even really think of it as a path.  It's a way of being.  It's like breathing.  It's who I am.  Which makes it effortless, for the most part.  

One of the most valuable things I learned about fairly early on is what I call the "Little Golden Thread."  

Let me tell you how I discovered it.  

For a long long time in my life, I was a PUSHER.  Oh, lawdy, me, boy was I good at pushing.  I always felt like I had to make things happen.  That I had to really work to achieve and to become who I wanted to be.  Yet I always knew and hoped that there was an easier, more elegant, flowing way of being.  A different answer.  

As I began spending more time meditating, more time letting go of old paradigms and creating my own life, more time playing and looking for the ways in which everything is being taken care of for us...and mainly, as I got quieter...I started to notice something.  

It wasn't there all the time. But when I was...


gently appreciating...

resonating with something or someone...

I found there was a gentle tugging.  So gentle, so quiet, I may have missed it if I hadn't been quiet myself.  Before in my life I would have disregarded it or not been able to hear or feel it.  I realized it was a call.  And it was beautiful.  Shimmery, Little Golden Thread.  

So I started to follow that gentle tugging.  And what I found was that it lead me to the most wonderful experiences, people and things!  Oftentimes in roundabout ways that now make me laugh.  

There have been times in my life where I have experienced blow-your-socks-off miracles and creations I can directly relate to my intentions, almost to the letter and within a matter of hours or even minutes (I'll tell you about those sometime too!).  But what I've found is that this Little Golden Thread leads me in a way that is gentle and loving and I anticipate the path with easy joy.  It really feels like I'm being led by the hand by the most loving force in the world.  Towards delight.

These days, it's so integrated for me that it's just what I do most of the time.  The direction I go in.  I don't even have to feel the tug.  It's my built-in default compass and inspirer (yes, I make up words) to often-effortless action and joyful expansion in my material and spiritual life.  

You can connect with your Little Golden Thread, dear one.  It doesn't have to take hours of meditation or study.  Start simply, by appreciating the things in your life and focusing on what you love.  Feel the feeling of love.  Open your heart.  Take in all the colors and sounds and feelings and movements and people and tastes and smells as if they are your lover.  Commune with the Divine on a moment-by-moment basis.  Which simply means talking to your Great Love.  Simply.  Conversationally.  And if you find yourself out of sorts or grumpy or sad, be okay with that too.  Love those feelings as if they are small children - embrace them and be with them.  Let go of any stories or thoughts around those feelings.  Listen to or watch some of our free audios and videos to line up with your Connected Self.  Sign up for an Online Retreat or Sessions with Lorrie, those are very powerful ways to open up and get quiet and connected.  

When you do these things, you will begin to feel the gentle, playful, loving tug of the Little Golden Thread.